Sunday, April 17, 2011

Letters to Momma

Letters to Momma

Friday, April 15th, 2011
San Francisco, California

Hi Momma –

Once upon a time, years before you passed away, you and I were discussing what it would be like for you to die.  I generated the conversation out of my fear of losing you, and since you and I always discussed everything of importance in our lives, I hoped that talking about your death would help me bear living my life without you.  As usual, you were willing to discuss it, as long as it would help me.
“The only thing I’ll regret about dying,” you said, “will be having to miss what goes on in your life next. I always have such fun sharing your life with you, I’ll be sad to miss your next adventures.”  I didn’t know how to respond. You were not scared of death. You were just sad that you’d miss me and what the years would bring my way.  My adventures, you called them.
Well, I’d like to respond now that you are gone.
Peter and I have started brand new adventures here in San Francisco , a town you and I never got to experience together and now that I am writing full-time,  as you always said I should , let me share my life on Lombard Street by writing you about what it’s like to live here. Remember how, when I was on the road with a show, I’d write you countless postcards from each theater we played? Well, now I want to write you letters, so you can read them, wherever you are, sharing them with the friends you’ve made there, over heavenly cups of good strong coffee, as you always loved.  Maybe you’ve re-connected to some favorite relatives, and rather than dredging up the old stories you keep boring them with about me, I can send you new ones to entertain them with. 
Let’s call them the San Francisco Stories for Momma Letters.
And I promise to be as faithful a correspondent, as ever I was.
So, expect a letter soon, Momma. A very special delivery.
As ever,


It was an heart touching letter.
Thanks for posting this letter!

Office Letters
Todd Pillion April 18 at 8:50pm Report
Beautiful letter to Momma. I know it will be a great way of telling not only what is happening in the now, but also relating it to stories of the past that you and your Momma had together. She must have been a wonderful lady to have such a talented daughter as you. I hope this is one of many more of these writings that you share with us. You live such a wonderfully, interesting, complex yet simple, full-of-love, life that most of us can only imagine. Please, keep sharing...

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