Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Our First Christmas in San Francisco Song!

We're Giving Ourselves The GIft of San Francisco, This Christmas!  is the title of the song Peter and I wrote on Saturday, and sang that evening at the Christmas party thrown by dear friends at their home in Noe Valley!   All guests were asked to perform something, and this is what our contribution was, as rough as it was...a little gift for all....and it goes like this:
We knew from the first, when we came here together
And sat down on a beach right by the Bay
That this was a place we want to live together
And that we would be moving here one day.

We are taking time out from our unpacking
The  hundreds of boxes that contain our life,
To sing a song to tell you how we’re feeling now,
Ev:  Played by my husband
Peter: and sung by my wife  (Ev: Though he’ll join in)

WE’re giving ourselves the gift of San Francisco this Christmas,
With all its beauties,  sunny or in fog!
With all its ups and downs, we’re glad we live in
This town that clearly glorifies the dog!

We’re giving ourselves the gift of San Francisco this Christmas,
It’s filled with dearest family , friends and art.
WE’re so happy to be opening new horizons
In this town  where Tony Bennett left his heart!

It’s true we’re out of shape and nearly perish
Each time we climb a hill , yet hope survives!
For every time we reach the top of Lombard Street
WE see that gorgeous Bay and we are grateful for our lives!

For, you see we’ve given ourselves this lovely present
A gift we know will last our whole life long!
We’ve given ourselves the gift of San Francisco this very Christmas
And  want to tell you thank you in this song.
 (and want to say we’re grateful in this song)

The guests were delighted, mostly by the charming way we were so obviously embarrassed..i mean, we had just written it...and had not actually quite finished it...so we fumbled and failed a lot, but it was such a warm congenial evening, it was all part of the fun. A terrific evening altogether, at a charming Noe Valley home, hosted by two superbly gifted men, professionals in business and healing arts, yet one is deeply accomplished pianist (so good, it made me want to sing!) and the other a video artist in his spare time...i mean, this town is filled with these sorts of souls: complex, interesting, involved...another thing to be grateful for: the diversity and fascination in the people who live here.

This entire evening was a panoply San Francisco-style family and love: men who'd once shared lives, the women they also loved and had children with, enriched by the presences of these amazing kids, as well as the new lovers sharing life with them all! I mean, as I formulate the ideas for my book about my family of friends and lovers, these new friends so deepen my experience of the entire topic: family in the 21st century and its potential to heal and teach us all how to truly love....

Every day I have spent here so far - in this new city we call home - the more i learn and appreciate what it has to teach me.  Each walk is an art exhibition...each sitting on a bench to breathe it in, a meditation session....each errand-run , an amazing discovery of new delights....and the people we meet are all so very friendly, warm and helpful, as if they are delighted to share their love of their city with us newcomers.  There is indeed a gentleness in the air here, even the December air, and whatever the cause of it is: this feels like a City of Love, as the hippies used to extol....The old phrase about "Hope Springing Eternal"?  I feel it whenever I walk out into the fresh soft air of San Francisco, because there is such moderation in it, such soft promise and ...well, again I say: gentleness.  It's always surprising NOT to be hit with sharp cold, knowing as my mind does that it is indeed December...instead, we see palm trees and feel that Hope i mentioned above....not the deadness of Winter, but the Life of possibilities ahead.  .....every time I leave a store or a restaurant, or come outside to walk the dogs, there it is: this soft shock of soft air and the inviting caress of breezes off the Bay.  

What a blessed time this is.


From Barter's own DIana Haynes, sent to me at m AOL.com address:

You and Peter are so creative! This is a lovely song and I am sure that everyone was in awe of the fact that you just wrote it and sang it for them. Sounds like y’all are having a good experience in meeting people and melding into the San Francisco fold.

Talk about cold weather – we have had a winter storm with both snow and ice and breezing temperatures. Oh how I long for warmer weather!

Much love,

Diana :)
From Ben Adn Merry Jennings, Abingdon...also written to me at my aol.com address:

How lovely this is! Happy holidays to you and Peter!

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