Saturday, October 09, 2010

Injured Sad People

Injured Sad People Who Smile a Lot
23 Sep 2010

Today write I about holy people.

Not people who are drenched in the spirit of the gods they worship, or people who think their piety is a good substitute for good sense, or people who we perceive to be in some way above us in ways that are particularly religious, church-centered or Bible-imbued.

Nope: i need to write about people who have large , gaping holes in their souls...people with enough anger within to blast dark craters.of emptiness and fear inside their very own beings: in other words: ASSHOLES! People who treat others with definitive lack of dignity, with lack of gentility, and with callous disregard for feelings, because they themselves are terrified.

It's interesting that every so often in my life - a life that I would judge to be a happy one, a fortunate one, a blessed one...even into such a life as mine - one that I have enjoyed living fully, and "con brio" if you will - even into this good life, a few ASSHOLES must fall..and the question is not "why does this happen."..but rather "why has this not happened more often" ?? Especially given the odd and emotional business I've immersed myself in for so long.

And of course the great and saddest surprise is: these horrifying human beings can be found too often among the ranks of the very people one has called "friend" . THe sharpest pain comes from realizing that what is so-called friendship counts for nothing, and that people will unswervingly behave on behalf of their own self interest no matter how much they have avowed friendship and caring. THIS is the largest shock. Where is the love you thought you knew?

I am old enough not to be shocked by this. But I still am shocked each and every time it's happened. Shocked and saddened, of course.

Tyrants exist everywhere - I've written about this in previous blog entries - and the greatest surprise is that they exist in places you'd never suspect...but tyrants thrive wherever there is human being, and wherever there is trust, need, and relationship: tyranny thrives with little to feed it but that very same need and trust: and all it takes is two to dance that particular who needs, and the other who knows it. Therein lies that opportunity for power and its abuse.

I need to sit and truly contemplate this, and the pain it causes. For now, I contemplate and meditate on it with you, dear readers, in the hopes that in so doing ,
I find I am not alone in the pain of discovery.

Love to all - even to those tyrants we all know. 


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