Friday, October 22, 2010

GOING PUBLIC!!! many times I write the word "pubic" when what I mean is "public" fact, what isn't all that funny is what a bad typist I am...never took a course in how to do it right, so I learned how to type really fast using two fingers...I use more fingers now, but my technique is so bad, i am so untrained, i practically make up my own language as I go...but by the time you all see what I write I have cleaned it up, and it's therefore readable.

Soon, however, maybe in this very blog entry, i may leave a sentence or two as I originally type it and then provide a should provide a laugh or two!

I sent word out to a lot of people today that my blog is available for them to read, and i told them all they had to do was go to  and click on the "blog" button and they'd get to these entries. Lots of people told me in response that they already follow my blog...and for that I am grateful, as I have written before. But  now I want to begin to take my writing more seriously, and so i want to encourage others to not only read me, but comment and dialogue with me as well...on the blog style, technique, content,etc.

It will never be what is commonly referred to as a political blog...if anything substantive will be written in these particular spaces, it will be about art, theatre, life, acting, creativity and love...maybe it can become the place where all my acting students, past, present, future, can talk to me about their needs and problems...maybe it can become a forum for that sort of discussion...i would always welcome discussions of that nature, and in fact if any of you are reading this: go ahead: ASK! Give me your tired rehearsal questions, your hungry career questions, your poor confusions that yearn to breathe the free air of productivity: and I will answer you , I promise!

I will never give advice on most things writers give advice about, because I know so little, really, about finance, politics, tech issues, gaming, computer problems or anything like that...but I do know about acting, and I do know about teaching it, and i do know a passion when I see and read, be not afraid, dear pals: ask me things....bring up a topic or two...let's rumble!

I would love this blog to be a pkaxw qhew I xould get thigns off my chest - and where others can too, not being afraind....(OKAY, now the previous words and attempts at making a sentence are good examples of how I can usually type and make a mess of things, in that attempt to make, isn't it?  I mean another language is right there, isn't it?)

Anyway: i 'd love to get truly enraged in this blog...take no prisoners, name names and place blame...become a bitchy blogger...truly lambaste those who I think are untrue, untrustworthy, un-lots of things....I'd love to raise hell and tell truths as I see them...and maybe, when one day I am provoked enough, I will do just that...but for now, I still feel the constraints of good manners holding me back, and, besides, I've been reprimanded enough in the past to still feel wary of talking candidly....and that is not a bad thing...i have had to learn some hard and valuable lessons about good taste, consideration for others, and carfulness...and i hope I have learned them....but there are things that do need saying...and maybe one day soon, those things will be me, as representing only my P.O.V., and no one else's...but that could be genuine contributions to the popular dialogue.

I truly do not want this to become a gossip blog: but I do want it to be engaging, entertaining, and enlightening.

And so, the rambles shall continue: stick with me, and we will go down roads where the shopping will be interesting, the fruits juicy and with lots of benches along the way to sit on and rest!  I will write, and you will read, and together we will create new avenues of shared thought.


But for now - after a rigorous performance of WHERE TROUBLE SLEEPS - i must to bed, perchance to dream about the fog horn gods of San Francisco Bay and how they are waiting for me to return!

'Night all.



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