Saturday, October 30, 2010

Going, Going....

...and in a little more than two weeks - astonishingly - we'll be gone...!  from Abingdon, en route to the Left Coast (as my friend Bob F. calls it)..and no one is more surprised by this than I am! Yikes!

I guess I thought this moving to San Francisco was more of an idea than something that was actually going to happen, it seemed so momentous.   But,  Time has passed (as it will do) and in that passing time we have accomplished the following:

             *Peter completed his job as Marketing Director. He seems younger and lighter having done

             *He has become the best house-husband anywhere around, cooking, cleaning, organizing and  
 above all beginning our very important sorting and packing process, so that now, easily, 2/3
 of our large life is tidily packed into squares, ready to be loaded onto a commensurately large
 truck!  Thank you, Peter. There is more to do, but so much has been done already, thanks
to you!

             *I've opened and am nearly done with my last show here at Barter Theatre (Where Trouble Sleeps) and have established my final dressing room routine in what may actually turn out to be my very last acting job!  Who knows if I'll ever be in another play or musical?

             * I've managed to not only get Clyde Edgerton to visit Abingdon (he wrote the novel upon
which our play is based), and he is coming here with his entire family the final weekend we
perform the show), but I've got Glenn Close temtatively lined up (please note I wrote the
word tentatively) next year as part of our Big Read events. The fact that her agents and press
 people are even willing to speak to me this much and have taken the idea this far is kin of great!  Her mission is to advocate for mental health issues in this country, and the 2011
 Washington County Big Read has chosen Edgar Allan Poe as the spotlighted author , making
mental health issues a vital part of this community's conversation during Feb and March 2011.

            *We have found another family to take over the last 4 months of our lease on the house
we have been renting, alleviating us of the financial responsibility of having to pay 4 months rent
on a house we will not be living in!  This is an enormous relief to us. Whew!

            *We've managed to sell, somewhat profitably, I'd say a good third of our worldly goods, in
an effort to lighten our moving load Westward, and this , so far , has resulted in not only the
 banking and saving of thousands of dollars, but has brought the some 9000 lbs. of moving mass
we moved down here with from NYC to around 6000 lbs.  Another thing to be
 grateful for!  Also grateful to this lovely community we have been living in: they have really
stepped up to help us with this. And now a lot of our possessions have found homes in thi
 community!  Including Angel Kitty, who has found much coziness and love with Laura
  of our Stage Managers. Thank you, Laura! Thank you all!

           * I start raining Karen S. , who is taking over part of my job here, next week. She will be the
  new Education Director, while someone else will take over my Director of Outreach duties.
  My job here is essentially being divided among 3 people, maybe more, but two new folks
    had to be hired just to do those two areas. I guess I've accomplished a great deal here.

          * I"ve managed to sell my 26 year old Mercedes that I bought for a mere few thousand dollars
  when we first arrived:  Amber and Chip B. will take possession of it day after tomorrow , and
  they are thrilled!  I am glad it's going to people who will appreciate and take care of it: my
 Silver Goose, my Evita!  Probably the only Mercedes I will ever own! It's been swell!

          *  AND, I've somehow managed to gain entrance into a writing group in San Francisco that I
  wanted to get into: Adair Lara's 2011 Winter Personal Writing Group. Adair is the author of
   a marvelous new book called Naked, Drunk and Writing, which flew off the shelf into my hands
   some weeks ago at Barnes and Noble, and, not even knowing she was a San Francisco -based
  writer, I purchased the book based on its title, and after adoringly reading it, discovered she is
 in my new home city. SO, I emailed her, begged , and sent her some writing samples , and she invited me into her January Workshop!  All is can say to that is: YAY! ANd thanks, Adair.

          Seems to me, like a lot has gotten done in the name of this move West. And though there is alot more to do, looking back on what we've made happen so far gives me heart and hope for what can happen in the next two weeks:  we leave Abingdon 3 days after my play closes: the North American Van Lines truck will pull up in front of 216 Stonewall Heights on the morning of November 16th!

          If you're in the neighborhood, drop on by!  I will be at the Martha Spa getting my hair done (after this play, I need to get refurbished!), but Peter will be there, and will be glad to see  you, i bet!  After all, you've been our friends and neighbors here for 3 years, and we will miss you come on by...AND COME SEE US IN SAN FRANCISCO!  We will be sending out official moving cards with all the new info, but I will do two things here:  I will write the new address info down in this blog entry...AND I will invite  you all, whoever you may be, to write back to me with your land mail addresses and I will send you one of the limited edition Peter Yonka-designed moving cards , right to your mailbox!  So let me hear from you!  Send me your name, address (both land and email) and phone contact info...and you will be on our lists for all sorts of news in the future!

We will be living at:   1320 Lombard Street
                                   San Francisco, California 94109
                                   My cell: 917-327-7385    Peter's cell: 917-602-1693

Let us hear from you!

Meanwhile:  bye, for now!


Break a leg, the both of yuz.

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