Saturday, January 09, 2010

Starting the New year With a Really Bad Poem

I needed to write....i felt compelled to write...and my meditations and musings had led me how Time is simply a matter of our own construction ...the techniques we each use to create the drama of our individual lives...Time is one experience to one person and quite another experience to another's all truly relative (as dusty old Einstein of course realized for the good of all...the result: the atomic bomb and don't ask me how that that all fits together, but somehow it does...ANYWAY: so there I was with time on my hands, an urge to write in my heart...and absolutely no there you have dull and silly poem in the last blog entry....shall i delete it? Heck no! It's where I absolutely was at the why not share that dull pain? And i do mean dull...

ANYWAY: here we are, snow thick upon the ground and no end in of those cottony cold days, smothered in dry chill, with Peter and I having just celebrated our 6th year of being married to each other!!!! Yesterday, 6 years ago, our party of 20 friends and relatives gathered with us in Orlando ,Florida, at the Polynesian Resort, and a wedding occurred.....we feasted at the Luau and Show afterward...and it was fine! Everyone had fun...after all we were at Disney World...and we were surrounded by our best spirits, PLUS we had each other - Peter and I - to have and to hold....and I must say, six years later, I am astonished at my good fortune.

Peter Yonka is a fair-minded, caring, sexy, funny, loyal, creative, gifted and deeply loving man. And his considerable loving energies are devoted to me, as miraculous as that may seem to me...he is in this for the long haul, and means it when he says he loves me.....why does this amaze me so?


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