Friday, October 02, 2009
AN October Swim
.....well before a morning Staff Meeting....and all seems possible today...OF MICE AND MEN on the road seems to be going well, and the actors certainly seem to be having a good time, on their comfortable bus, playing a different venue each night to audiences that truly seem to love their work.....the play and this production directed by Katy Brown are powerful....and the show reports tell of engaged audiences and standing ovations in each place......even the very largest they play.
The show is going to venues ranging in size fro 500 -4,000 seats! (The Eisenhower in West point, NY), so for Michael Catalan and the crew to put the show in to these various places so that it looks good and plays well is no small feat of skill.....i am so grateful for Catalan on the road....and for Rebecca Reinhardt and Holley Housewright, our Company Manager and Stage Manager, respectively....this is a good group and one that is gaining invaluable experience on our behalf for future tours.
I am very grateful for so many people around me right now...people who have patience with me...understand my overly-dramatic way of experiencing the world and still choose to play with me day after day after day....passion attracts passion, I suppose....and I have in my life people who experience the world with the same gusto and drama that I experience it with, so our sense of the HUGE nature of it all sometimes is understood.....and understanding and patience are all we can count on in each other when things get rough around the edges.
A good actor convinces himself that where he is in that moment of the play is true and real, that it is forever, that moment, and doesn't think or remember how the play ends.....and that's how I experience times in my life as well...i never remember there is always light at the end of any tunnel I feel stuck in....i never remember it all turns out alright....i always believe the worst in each moment of seeming emergency...and forget my strengths and capabilities....that I can swim, no matter how deep this end of the pool is that I have been thrown into...i AM A STRONG SWIMMER!!!!
And (as a dear friend put it recently): whereas it may feel like I am about to be thrown under the bus, all that is really happening is is that I am running along side that bus at a prodigious rate.....and keeping a pretty good pace.
Fall is crisping the last...and leaves will soon turn...and before we know it, these momentary things that are disturbing will be sheer and utter history....i keep forgetting that part too: it ALL comes only to pass.....
I send hugs of warmth in this early chilly morning to all who care....
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