Tuesday, May 26, 2009

SHOWTIME Back in the Hall !!

After a rigorous WIZARD OF OZ rehearsal time filling all of last week, the play that I'm in this summer is back into rehearsal today, for a good chunk of hours. Good idea, since we begin tech rehearsals as soon as OZ finishes theirs this week, and then we open too, and our Summer Rep will be off and running!

South Korea is exploding nuclear bombs in testing and our world is another step closer to annihilating itself in a thorough and sad fashion.
Makes me so mad, I want to slap Korea across its national face! Like the immature and stupid little child of a nation that it is, behaving like the brat that feels left out....how sad for us all. Ah well, such is the temporary nature of our very existence...

A gray day here....after several restful days of the Memorial Day Holiday, and I am ready for what is scheduled by Fate to come our way. The Summer season here promises to sell well, as OZ will be popular with families and SHOWTIME AT 1ST BAPTIST will sell well to church- going groups. So, after the rather low attended Spring season, we deserve good full houses. Hard to believe that we are already halfway through 2009.

Soon our SUmmer Classes and Workshops will be underway (they start the week of June 15th), and they promise to be very interesting, especially since it's an unusually busy schedule, with more classes than usual, and more different sorts of classes, such as two Theatrical Make-Up and Wig Workshops taught by our generous Wig master Ryan Fischer....and also a Musical THeatre Intensive Workshop, where the kids will work for 5 hours a day for 5 days! Taught by David Alford...this is a new sort of "class" here. I am excited to see how it goes.
All of it.

ANd I want to start a new section of the Adult Acting Class as well....at the same time continuing the class that just ended its first session....there seems to be a need and a demand.

Need and demand are what Outreach seems to be made of, and I have learned a lot about community in this job.

I'm grateful for that.


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