Wednesday, August 20, 2008


The way this particular cafe is designed, 3 of its four walls are windows, so this morning, as I wait for the young and wonderful Chase H., I am , indeed, surrounded by light....and there is nothing I would rather be bathed in than pure sunlight.   Of course, it helps that I am also sitting in a clean, modern, air-conditioned and comfortable room, with fresh coffee and tender bagel by my side...but even without that, the light, the crystal and transparent nature of light,would brighten my, at this moment, it does.

I'd like to dedicate this particular entry to Rick W. Good morning. Thank you for  your continued support,encouragement ...and that wonderful dear wife of yours, without whose conversations, of late, my life would be a little drearier. I can't figure out what I like best about this woman: her warm talent, easy, and generously given in every single rehearsal, her sense of humor (edged with that indispensable wryness that only life lived can provide), or her observing mind...we have had some good beginning talks...I say "beginning" because I truly look forward to more of same...all by way of saying: if you can't be here with us right now, at least she's here, and that is a good thing!

So much to write about....but as I am dedicated to not specifically naming people , places, or things (I do want to stay under whatever radar is dedicated to censor- and censure-ship), I am gently nudged into the realm of the abstract and into the depths of what really matters: what lies beneath the story.  And that's good for me...more breakfast date is here.

Later, same day:

A productive day all 'round, I'd say.  Fun rehearsals, clear communications with various members of my Outreach initiatives , schedules adhered to and goals met........things accomplished...and one more dinner meeting to enjoy, then home to puppies and that pal who is my wonderful husband...we may even get to go grocery shopping TOGETHER, a rare luxury.

Eckhardt Tolle has somehow come into our lives.

Friends introduced us to him and his marvelous way of making the numinous coherent and instructive .....they sent us a link to the Oprah website and on it we found the link to her astonishing series of "classrooms" with Tolle, all about his is simply wonderful: this deep journey into human consciousness, and it's on the web! hosted by a popular daytime tv host!  Will wonders never cease?  Could the Age of Aquarius actually be coming real?  Of course, as tired as I am, we turn on the webcasts nightly, and the sound of Tolle's voice, combined with the comforting message of the inviolate nature of the true deepest part of ourselves puts me right into a state of such relaxation, that i very naturally fall asleep and actually sleep well, which is something I have so NOT been doing since coming here to this theater......and yet, somehow, his knowledge, his insights, his soothing assuredness communicates to me even as i slumber, and I wake up optimistic,...or is that simply what well-rested feels like? It's been so long....

Amazing how enlightenment will come into one's life, no matter how many excuses one invents not to be in a room with it!  With age comes a certain earned grace, and if this stuff of Tolle's is not grace personified, then nothing is: he may well be a latter-day Buddha....he is most certainly a Bodhisattva , no question about it...and I am glad he shares this present human plane with me right now!

Well, off to my dinner meeting.....yum! Have a little angst with your salad course?


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