Saturday, August 09, 2008
Saturday and Hummingbirds
The new shiny copper hummingbird feeder is now hanging from the tree limb in the front yard.
And i am sitting in the corner of the soft leather sofa, coffee cup in hand, seeing a beautiful Saturday morning come to be: blue joys, enormous beastly feathery things, (I am smiling at the error: of course I meant to write blue jays!), are nibbling at the birdseeder ,also copper, and a fat and lively female cardinal is munching there as well....everyone seems happy,and the Baron-Yonka Bird Restaurant is buzzing with birdie business!
The glints of sharp reddish - orange off the brown downy feathers of Madame Cardinal are eye-catching, and she seems sharply happy to be away from the nest for a while...a Saturday on the town! Starting out with a good munchy breakfast! And the watery red of the hummingbird sugar water is a pleasant counter-balance to the red in her feathers....I have this great front row seat!
Cyrano, the soft and beautiful dachshund of my heart, has his little head heavily resting on my foot! His sister Sally nestles between the leather cushions of this sofa, and if the three of us never had to go anywhere ever again, if we could never move from here, we three would be happy. I don't miss New York City at all today.
In fact, truth be known, I've not missed it at all...or if I have, it has been only for brief moments, when a sharp homesickness has made a stab at making me forget all the City's unpleasantness, dirt and noise! Soon, no matter how busy and exhausted we become here, I am soothed by the mere presences of the trees in our yard, or the garden in the back of the house. And i recall how walking out onto West End Avenue had become an unpleasant chore - And how descending into the 103rd Street Subway station has become an unavoidable horror. People are not supposed to live like that, crushed and inevitably soiled with the daily energies of a human, (and I don't care how many museums and arts events there are to be found there) people are not supposed to live like caged animals, and that is what it had begun to feel like to me: a cage.
So, as I sit here, in the pretty southern morning, I am glad not to be there. And the weeping cherry right outside the window makes me happy, as it seems to confirm of my presence in its silent, benign way.....
Time for waffles!
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