Thursday, March 06, 2008
When the Sun Shines is a gift, indeed...and this morning, after what seems like days and days of unremitting gray skies and clouds dripping like leaky faucets, this early morning harbinger of Spring ,which is sure to come, this early morning sunshine, makes getting out of bed not such a bad idea....
When I walk in the garden in our backyard, the beautifully terraced garden designed and executed with such care, and left in ours, there are green things noodging and pushing their ways out of the moist soil, and i saw this morning a slight edge of chrome yellow peeking through the green lips of a closely clustered family of daffodils in one of the front yard beds, and it amazes me how many surprises have been left for us to discover...there are bunches of bulbs everywhere! I can hardly wait to see what they will bring us , once they open! And soon, I will contribute to this glorious and planned scene of flowery profusion, with some container gardening of my own....i hope to be able to talk at length with the landscaping people who did this yard - they did a splendid job! And maybe they can advise me how to best add to it, without upsetting their design. I can say with sincerity that the main reason I wanted to take this rental house sight unseen was because of the photos of the backyard garden included in the looked lovely, even in one of those cramped on-line photos, and the pond was the deal maker...then, when we got here, the gardens proved to be far more beautiful than the photos that had initially attracted I felt incredibly lucky and relieved!
If I can ever figure out how to take photos, transfer them to my computer files and import them, I will publish scenes from our garden on these ,stay tuned.
Checks have begun to arrive to reserve spots in one of the 5 Barter SUmmer Classes we've got planned. The classes start in June, and I was able to understand the complex Barter rehearsal schedule enough (with Katy Brown's help...and Wendy Piper's help as well...thank you!) to get 3 actual Barter Acting Company members to teach! I am so grateful for that. Seth Marstrand, an adorable and gifted new member of this year's company...Wendy Piper, already the most popular Barter teacher here, thanks to her marvelous classes over the past year or two, and Mary Lucy Bivins, who I consider a Master Actor in our company has agreed to teach a class for older kids...lucky kids! I want to take that class myself! So, with checks coming in this early, i hope more will pour in over these months. If anyone reading this wants info on those June classes, let me know....
Well, even though I am staying home today to do some major EVITA work, I should get to it, and at least try to pretend this is an actual home office, I'm off to my "office"..this office comes equipped with two snuggly doggies...yay!
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