Saturday, March 29, 2008
Cold, Rainy Day at Home!

...though it's cozy and fine of the last Saturdays I'll have before EVITA and CURE FOR LOVE get underway, so I am relishing every last moment, and though I must memorize loads of language for CURE and continue visualizing EVITA staging, at least I can do it in the coziness of our comfortable home, here at the left: our upstairs living room, complete with stunning Persian rug puchased at the behest and advice of the ever creative Ann Johnson...I'd never paid so much for floor coverings before, but Ann simply reminded me, during those first couple of weeks after we had moved down here, that I had worked a long time and deserved to own such a sumptuous object of beauty, and that rugs are the best investment because you take them with you everywhere you go! SO, I bought that lovely thing, and have not regretted it a moment! It really is an object of beauty, and I am happy every time I walk on or look at it....and the occasional doggie poop only enriches it for me because after all : rugs are meant , like quilts, to be lived on and with, and not to be feared! With our dark brown leather sofa and easy chair , the rug looks even richer and more beautiful. In the down left corner of the photo, where you can't see, is our shine black baby grand piano, and it really makes the room a special place, with the Warhol's hanging on the wide freshly painted walls...and the fireplace lit...downnright cozy and comfortable...come on and see us!!! It' s a good place for relaxing and conversation, as has been proven so far!
The flowering cherry tree outside my window down here in my garden level office is blooming like crazy! This garden is going to be a stunning place to experience life, day by day, as these months pass, and I vow: no matter how crunched I get in EVITA and CURE FOR LOVE rehearsals, I WILL take time to enjoy this garden! I promise this to myself more than to anyone else....I will enjoy this.
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