Wednesday, August 01, 2007

A Day in the Wild West

So...the two readings of I MARRIED WYATT EARP went well yesterday....the first at noon was "spot on" as the British say - and the packed to the walls audience responded enthusiastically to everything comic and dramatic...the story of the piece came together in a powerful way for the first time and it had that first time exciting feel to it.....terrific reception ...the 2nd showing was good too, but by 3:00 the smallish theater space , cool earlier, was heated up by all the humans in the space and the lights, so the space was much warmer, slower and lulled by ,whereas the response was not as loud, the arc of the piece still worked well....and I'd say it was a story well told in both showings. I just had more fun in the 1st one, and sweated less. Quite tired when they were both done. I tend to follow the reading like an audience and so i get moved emotionally as if I were watching it fresh....and with actresses like Tovah interpreting, how could one n0t get involved...I have done a thousand readings....I have still not yet learned the art of sitting like a stone and not getting involved in what's going on....if they want me not reacting, they'd better seat me off stage.....i listen and can't help it: if it moves me.,....well.....there I am: moved! Tovah really found a few places in the script that were so personal, she made the story so alive and meaningful, I wept. And I never thought I would react that way to this story...but together, she and Cass Morgan made us all care about why this story was being told. ...the healing of two women's lives through secrets revealed ....hate transformed to affection and small thing.

So, we all worked hard yesterday. My little "Pauline Rackham" made her contributions...some good laughs here and there...easier to do in the earlier cool house...but a nice group to work with , no matter the weather. Then I went off to work for two hours with the 46-10 Group!
Whew ! Long day! Some wonderful work is being done by them on the SPOON RIVER material, and I am proud of them. I came right home and fell into bed.

Peter managed to meet me at a little Thai place on 10th Avenue for a quick supper before I went to 4610...that was nice.

I wonder what the future of the work we did yesterday will be?

Congratulations on the readings, Ev. I was so pleased to read your pieces about them, and now consider that you've elevated modesty to new heights. But then, it's always a pleasure to read/listen to you carry on about theatre.

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