Thursday, May 03, 2007
As they yell all the time in the original script of OKLAHOMA!!! YEOW! And they usually throw their cowboy heats and bonnets up into the air when they yell it ....Yeow! (Hats aloft).....well, it is sooooo gloriously gorgeous outside in the Springtome NYC today that that is what I feel like yelling too! YEWO, indeed! And there is promise of such lovely weather continuing throught the weekend! Which is so truly good...all we must do is go to the Opening Night of ROSE COLORED GLASS, which Peter has written lovely music for, but other than that we can do with the weekend as we wish, and that makes me happy indeed. Puppies will get some extra walk time in Riverside Park, I suspect.....lucky puppies.
I went to a most fun voice-over audition for a jewelers business this morning at my Access Agency....those particular agents have been so patient with me over the years, as I have come and gone, according to my acting work and teaching work as well...but since the early days of the J.Michael Bloom Agency here in New York, these agents, through thick and thin (and there have been many times of both description) have stayed loyal to me, and I to them. They are, and have been a part of my life for decades now, and I can honestly say I owe much to them, including such luxuried as my West End AVenue co-op and my relative security! Good agents, no matter the times. We have stuck by each other. This morning marked the beginning of return to that scene, since now that school is done, I will have more time to go to more voice over and radio auditions. And so I shall.
Friday, May 4th NYC
Yet another YEOW day! Quite beautiful outside.
I meet old pal Ken Kliban for brunch in a couple of hours and look forward to it. We have much to catch up on. His wry sense of silliness should go just perfectly with this flawless sunny day.
I went to a most fun voice-over audition for a jewelers business this morning at my Access Agency....those particular agents have been so patient with me over the years, as I have come and gone, according to my acting work and teaching work as well...but since the early days of the J.Michael Bloom Agency here in New York, these agents, through thick and thin (and there have been many times of both description) have stayed loyal to me, and I to them. They are, and have been a part of my life for decades now, and I can honestly say I owe much to them, including such luxuried as my West End AVenue co-op and my relative security! Good agents, no matter the times. We have stuck by each other. This morning marked the beginning of return to that scene, since now that school is done, I will have more time to go to more voice over and radio auditions. And so I shall.
Friday, May 4th NYC
Yet another YEOW day! Quite beautiful outside.
I meet old pal Ken Kliban for brunch in a couple of hours and look forward to it. We have much to catch up on. His wry sense of silliness should go just perfectly with this flawless sunny day.
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