Saturday, April 14, 2007

Where , Oh Where....? that combination so rare? the song goes....but instead of talking about the perfect man, I want to know when the benign signs of a true Springtime will appear! Weather people are predicting another rogue Nor'Easter over the next day or so, lashing us with yet more cold and wet weather....enough! Go away! Gimme warmth and sunshine please!

Peter and I, along with Rachel , Alison, the doggies and Paul and Steve, are sharing a companionable weekend up here at our favorite House, and stayed up late last night drinking odd, but yummy, pear vodka concoctions, made blue/green by Midori...and gigggling through rounds of MadGab.....I am up far too early, watching the dawn from the downstairs den...I love it here, expecially when everyone else sleeps, because the quiet is profound ....and my ears ache for such quiet.

My semester at NYU soon ends. It has been a very creative time, and I am proud of the work the kids have done. Watching young actors grow into their gifts seems miraculous to me , sometimes. Will I ever tire of it? Each journey is so unique, unpredicatable. It is odd, though, that the more Buddhist reading I do, about the nature of true reality,impermanence, our concept of life versus the unvarnished truths of it, the more i listen to the growth of each student with different ears. See it with a different clarity. How does this serve them? I'm not sure it does. I am ,after all, talking about ultimate reality while they are learning how to best deceive an audience into entering a false one. BUT, of course, it's all illusion anyway, every moment of this existence, so, really, what matters any of it? I do teach to create from a a place of love, AND THAT IS THE WHOLE GAME ANYWAY!

The sun is creeping over the hill in the back meadow. Spindly trees look ghostly in that early morning glow, and it's hard to imagine that one day soon a curtain of deep green will fill the same view. Soon, I won't even be able to see the hill ridge. Spring's leaves will have covered it with thick fragrant freshgrowth. If the sun would shine for just a little while to day, I could face the approaching storm with more optimism.

I had a fun audition ( my first in a long while) for a new Adam Sandler movie two days ago. And even managed to make it to a voice-over audition the day before that! Who knows? Maybe I'll act again one day!! Who knows?

Peter and I will spend some of May in San Francisco. We are further exploring the idea of moving there .

I send Springtime kisses , or at least the hope for them, to all.

Dear Ms. Baron: My first date was my senior year in high school and I took my beautiful date Rachel to see "Scrambled Feet", starring you, three males, and a one duck. I can't remember the duck's performance, but I remember one guy coming by our table at (the top of?) the Village Gate, and poking fun of my Coke (coke - cocaine - har). And then it was you singing. I can't remember the song but your voice was heavenly. - Nick
Evalyn, I miss you so!!! This is Sonni, of SWEAT, and I woke up this morning, made my daily cup of Yogi Cold Season tea, and the message on the teabag was:
"A relaxed mind is a creative mind."

I couldn't help but think of you. It sounds like all is going well for you, and I hope our paths will cross again someday!

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