Monday, April 16, 2007

Miraculous Times

....and miracles come in all shapes and sizes.

The proportion of today's massacre at Virginia Tech University, the carnage exacted by one man with two guns, and free access to rooms full of students,is tragic..and due to the miracles of modern weaponry, he was able to accomplish what he wished to, possibly even more than he ever dreamed he could.

The miracles of 21st Century television allow such slimy pundits as Bill O'
Reilly on the Fox Network to wax self-righteous and refer to "that mess in Virginia" in the same trivializing breath as he condemns pop tv talk show hosts for speaking their, he uses the English language poorly, (oh such elementary grammar mistakes, one after the other) clearly never having mastered the rules of proper public discourse, and I am left bereft of feeling, he is such a categorically dismissive and inconsiderate man. How can one battle self-righteousness?

Prayer, powerful and constant prayer, that love fill the hearts of dangerous people like Bill O'Reilley. More guns are certainly not the answer, because more guns will mean more killing, here in this country and everywhere else our misguided country feels it can flex its muscles. No, not more guns. Even if the angelic-faced blondes trying to please their father-figures as side-kicks to the men who run Fox Network say guns are the solution...infantile men have always considered pretty women, guns and fast cars to be pure Nirvana: their right on this earth..not much different than the Islamic belief in a martyr's death earning him 22,000 virgins in their Heaven...but putting aside the patently paternal chuckles that accompany O'Reilley's petting of his toothsome side-kicks, his infuriating feeble-minded simple way of looking at the world, one can sense he is simply not a nice person, and that the things that make humans interesting are the very things he is most scared of....come to think of it, he is actually pretty interesting, in that misshapen way...and if he could see himself as I see him, I think he would agree with me: he is an ass! A dangerous, kicking, bleary-eyed-eyed, sly and stupid ass.

But the miracle of television waves brings him into our homes, and the miracle of free speech (God bless it, truly) allows him a public pulpit. So, whether we like it or not, miracles indeed do come in all shapes and sizes.

How very sad today's Virginia Tech massacre makes me. So sad.

But then, the miracle of the internet....of this amazing ability people now have to find people who matter to them....i keep getting the most wonderful comments from people I don't even know...some who I know a little bit...people who have seen me work fellow, Nick, recently wrote of taking a pretty date to see SCRAMBLED FEET...and he remembered me in it...i mean, how very nice. But what drove him to contact me? Nick, if you are reading, let me know. What drove you to look me up? And another note, recently ,from an old Atlanta chum , Loretta Baer...inviting me to a gathering of other old pals from my Southern youth...when I tried to reply, my email came back, so if you are reading this, Loretta: I send love to you all...keep me posted on more gatherings. And on and on....people finding people...through this miracle of the Internet...the computer...a true miraculous thing, opening untold doors to communication on a staggering scale. NOW, if only we can learn to communicate love through, not Caring for each other..not calling each other names like " nappy headed ho's" or any other demeaning and dismissive epithets..(by the way, when i called O'Reilley an ass? I did it with a loving heart.) Bill - I am sorry if it hurt your feelings. But, BE NICE! Learn to play well with others, Bill.

You too, Don Imus....take your medicine and spend the rest of your days attaining adult-hood.
You will like it, once you get there.

My sad best wishes to the parents of those who died today in Virginia.


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