Thursday, March 15, 2007

Quick, Before the Sherry and Biscuits....

.....wear off! (Each evening,at this delectable hotel, they serve a luscious decanter of sweet sherry and a platter of animal crackers (!) in the gracious Lobby...after watching our last sunset on the chilly Carmel Beach, I rushed to the Lobby and had myself a quick two shots of the most delicious sherry and I feel superb , sitting in front of the fire in our cottage and anticipating a nice sit-down blog session, as Steve fixes a dinner of left-overs and Paul meditates his last 30 minutes of the day)

....we spent our final afternoon here , from about 3 :00 pm on, sitting on the beach right down from the Normandy, and simply sat there, lay there, relaxed there, took walks from there, and witnessed there, that final aMAZING SUNSET, KNOWING THAT BY THIS TIME TOMORROW WE WILL BE BACK IN SAN FRANCISCO, AND BY THIS TIME SATURDAY, WE SHALL BE ALMOST HOME SEEING THE ATLANTIC OCEAN RISING UP TO US AS WE LAND AT NEWARK AIRPORT!!!

Yes, the old adage stands truer than truer: time does fly when you are having fun.

But the very best part is: I have a deep yearning inside me to get home to the most wonderful man in the world, the man who chooses to love me (what ,is he crazy or something?) and chooses to let me love him in return: I get as good, if not better, than i give, to and from this hisband of mine: Peter Yonka, who I miss, and have missed with almost every fiber of my being all the while I was out here...Every time I saw a gorgeous Ocean view, I wished Peter could be by my side to see it too...each and every single discovery I have made here, about the town, about the seashore, about myself, I have wanted to share it with I watched all the various doggies run and and run and run the length of Carmel Beach, I have wished Sally and Cyrano were here to run with them, and I 've imagined the joy Peter would get from watching the same...Yes, I am a lucky woman to have friends like Paul and Steve to treat me to such good times, but I am even luckier because I have a man at home, willing to let me experience my life my way, with the wisdom to know that to let me do so only makes me love him more than i ever thought possible. Thank you Peter. Thank you so much. I have treats and surprises galore to share with you!

And knowing you are there with our two pups to greet me with love and open arms makes leaving here not so terribly awful....below is that emial from Abingdon pal Ann's so much fun!

Dear Evalyn,
You decadent Hussy! How in Heaven's Name could you not feel totally indulged, spoiled, pampered to within an inch of your life... there in that little gem of a place, surrounded by nature's finest show and man's most outrageous accumulation of wealth and luxuries- and cosseted by two attractive, intelligent, refined, witty gentlemen who entertain and feed you- and leave you alone to do what you want to!! My God- you have died and gone to Heaven! And how dare you expose the rest of us to such a glimpse of nirvana while we struggle along with our daily routines?! It is as if you are living in one of those wonderful old novels- leading the life of the movie stars of the 30's, or the eccentric literary geniuses of the Algonquin in the 50's...I love it! What a fascinating contrast to your bustling existence in New York City- a welcome respite, to be sure. You have earned it. But- what about those creative energies of yours? After a while- perhaps a long while!- would boredom set in and restlessness begin out there? Or have you explored the world of theater in San Francisco to see where you might make a contribution? Because, after reading so much of your musings, I do believe you glean much satisfaction and affirmation from giving to others what you have spent a lifetime learning. You treasure the feedback from other brilliant, talented people- it enriches your life more than mere objects could ever do. Of course, that area could open an entire new venue to you and Peter- who knows? That is the delicious promise of it all...
I spent a few days in Carmel may years ago- and again with my daughter and her husband a few years back- same drive down Big Sur- stopping at Nepenthe- all the way down to San Simeon to tour the'd have loved it! A twilight tour, enshrouded in fog-house lit up- actors dressed in formal attire strolling the grounds, playing bridge in the parlor, eating in the grand dining room- straight out of that era...marvelous! Like you, I enjoyed the food and the sun on the water and the feeling of lightness it gave me. But I could never get the" East Coast out of the girl" to feel as if I belonged there. With the four of you there as a family, however, it could be a grand adventure...I await the unfolding saga with great interest and good will...and not a little envy! Love, Ann

She's a wonderful writer, is she not? Had to share that letter with you....

Now let's see: I felt so full of stuff to write when I sat watching the setting sun electrify the bluest Ocean I have ever seen....there are not enough words to describe "blue" in our language...however many there are, we have been witness to all of those blues over these past few various times that water has been every shade imaginable and some thoroughly un-imagined, since they seemed unreal...but there they time I see a painting attempt to capture these particular waters, i shall be more charitable and believe what I see on the canvas, since I now know anything is possible in what I have come to think of as The Pacific Ocean Show!

Crystal, turbulent, electric, light, dark, tourmaline, turquoise, watery, velvet,purple, violet, lacy, translucent, opaque, glassy, transparent, clear, sky, navy, midnight, blueberry, indigo, denim, royal, fiery, green, grey,Windex,soapy, aluminum,inky,bluegrass, twilight,robin's egg, silvery, satin, mouth-watering, Sally-garden, brilliant, bisque,sea-foam,steel, wedgewood,powdery, sapphire, opalescent, opaline, oily, granite, reddish, pale, crisp, flowery, myosotis,forget-me-not, wildflower, cornflower, marine, cornchip, heathery, jewel-tone, shiny, cobalt, sea, aquamarine, icy, aqueous, cerulean, florentine,deathly, irridescent, iris, juniper, hyacinth, new, fresh, panther, laquer, glossy, various times of the day and evening, from innumerable vantage points, we have seen the Ocean be these shades of blue, and we think our eyes deceive us, but soon realize that what we see is true...there's one: true blue!

It seems yet another deolicious dinner is, for now...bye, bye....more to come...



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