Wednesday, March 14, 2007

How Ever To Capture Perfection... the sheer act of simply writing about it? ..that is what poetry is for...But, I am so filled with the sheer day-to-day brilliance of the passing of each hour in this gorgeous place, doing the most mundane of touristy things, that I have not yet reached the level of poeticizing....i still must,must,must describe...describe...and then describe some is all too full of the most delicious details. Sadly, I am left with the question: However can i leave here, when we must leave here, day after tomorrow???? Paul and Steve warned me that I would not want to leave, and they are proving to be prophetic:

Not only have our days been filled with the most glorious ocean and sky and sunshine and rocks and splashing waves and sea creatures that God ever made, but our nights have been easy , as we lull ourselves into sensual comas filled with luscious foods cooked by Stephen, enormous, yet healthy and fresh vegetable dinners, unbelievably wonderful tasting...all the ingredients are local and as fresh as fresh can be, never having seen the inside of a refrigerated train car....the sweetest asparagus..the crispest lettuce and carrots...I feel like a rabbit, but a very happy one! So, days are thriling, nights satisfyingly full, and slumber absolute.
Tonight, yet another dinner is underway, and while Paul finishes his daily sitting meditations, Steve cooks (with a quick dash to the shore to watch yet another fabulous setting of the sun), and I finally sit to write and write...I have meaning to get back to the blog, but have been too happily busy to do so...for instance: today:

I started the morning at a local day spa with a 9:00 am papaya facial, administered with effectively gentle touch by young Regina, clearly well-trained to open the pores and nasal pasages of the most discerning client: my face has not felt this good in a very long time!! My East Coast puffiness has all drained away, and I am smooth as ...well...the inside of a papaya....NEXT: Casey, a dynamic single mother of two, gave me the most wonderful chocolate manicure and pedicure...yes, you read correctly: a chocolate manicure and pedicure.....I was scrubbed with chocolate scrub, creamed with chocolate cream, then coated with a paste of cocoa and hot water wrapped in plastic bags until my extremeties were like the moistest of chocolate was after that that the actual manicure and pedicure began,,,,and i am delectably coated and smoothed! Also, I not only feel pretty, I feel delicious!!! THEN: I was lymphatically drained by Renee, whose vigorous massage for the purpose was gentle yet clearly educated and powerful...after she drained me, she scrubbed me til I glowed with a lemon/chocolate sea salt that had me moaning with joy as she rubbed and scrubbed my dead old skin into oblivion! (I bought a jar of that stuff to take home so I can do the same to darling Peter!) This Day Spa has my vote...and I shall return to it one day! I floated out of there! Trainling clouds of chocolate, lemon and papaya behind me! THen Paul took us to lunch and I had a slice of salmon that was better than any I have had anywhere....I mean..come on! We are by the Pacific Ocean!

We spent the rest of today out at Point Lobos Nature Reserve Park looking at yet more impossibly fabulously beautiful vistas of the Ocean and its rocks and, we visited sea lions, sea otters, and watched the odd whale blow its streams of water high into the perfect air....they are taking their families north and we waved as they passed by: my first whales!
Today's Ocean and its various tidal pools and coves that line this part of the shore are impossibly blue! In fact, we have decided to attempt to classify how many ways we can describe the concept of the color "blue", since every time a wave twists, turns and flips in the saucy sunlight, a variation on the shade appears as it never has before. Suffice it for now to say: the water today (and for these several days past) has looked as if some publicity people for Carmel decided to open large drums of turquoise and sapphire blue inks and empty them into the water, so that people loking at the Ocean would be forced to say things like: "That water is impossibly blue" or " Those colors cannot be real!"'s been the sort of coloration (of course actually due to the various algae and vegeation beneath the water) that looks as if: if you went into it you would come out of the water colored turquoise or lovely purple by having gone in it!!!Arms and legs dyed to match the water that just covered you....shades of aquamarine, and sapphire and obsidian and turquoise and eggshell blue, clearly colored like easter egg dye, to make you gasp with the joy of seeing it! Such water....such beauty....such artistry.

And an entirely different sort of rocky vista than that provided by our Big Sur drive two days ago....the drive that took me all the way back into my '60's youth and its environs: We went as far South as The famed Esalen Institute and stopped everywhere along the way...we visited Nepenthe, a restaurant/shop that once was a home that belonged to Orson Wells and Rita Hayworth for a year....more gorgeous ocean there to see....we stopped at The Tickle Pink Inn (named after a Senator actually named TIckle) and saw yet more stunning vistas....we had our fresh veggie sandwiches on the beach at Julia Pfeiffer State Park, as waves splashed around us, wearing holes in the enormous rocks and giving joyous hoist to the local surfing boys...that was amazing to see....and the food tasted so damned good! We stopped any adn everywhere that Paul and Steve wanted to show me, and as a result , I got quite a tour! My first Big Sur experience!

More to come..right now: a nap!



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