Tuesday, February 27, 2007
One Recital Down....
...a handful more to go....that is: I was assigned several Steinhardt 2nd Year Grad Students to coach, mainly to help prepare for their Recitals, all scheduled at varying times throughout the semester. Plus , several undergrads asked me to privately help with their undergrad recitals, and , of course, I said yes to them as well....so, taking into consideration the extremely busy schedules of each and every person involved, and the relative lack of hours in a day , scheduling all the times has been a fun game all by itself....finally, one of the recitals has been produced and performed (this past Saturday afternoon) and so - well....WHEW! And it went very well, showcasing the terrific talent of this one particular young actress pretty well..she looked and sounded and acted wonderfully throughout her entire hour or so, and I admired her more by the process' end than I even did at the start, which is, finally, saying something isn't it?
Another is coming up this weekend....we are spending a couple of hours on it this morning.
And, all told, this work has been creative and fun for me, and , I hope, for the kids involved as well. I am grateful to Bill W. for giving me these opportunities to work with such talent.
And, except for the rather schizophrenic shattering of energies and locations, on certain days, (ot to mention the relative lack of space at NYU for all these rehearsals to take place...oh, those poor beleaguered people who must schedule the space and apportion it out fairly!!), it has been a really easy thing to do.
Because Steinhardt is a Music School, the recitals follow a pretty classical form, even for those in the Musical Theatre track, so it has been really interesting to work in that form. Dianna H. and Michael R. at Steinhardt worked dilligently to shape the requirements for the recital process. And the students , both Undergrad and Grad, work hard to conform to those standards required of them. It is good discipline, in many ways.
Another is coming up this weekend....we are spending a couple of hours on it this morning.
And, all told, this work has been creative and fun for me, and , I hope, for the kids involved as well. I am grateful to Bill W. for giving me these opportunities to work with such talent.
And, except for the rather schizophrenic shattering of energies and locations, on certain days, (ot to mention the relative lack of space at NYU for all these rehearsals to take place...oh, those poor beleaguered people who must schedule the space and apportion it out fairly!!), it has been a really easy thing to do.
Because Steinhardt is a Music School, the recitals follow a pretty classical form, even for those in the Musical Theatre track, so it has been really interesting to work in that form. Dianna H. and Michael R. at Steinhardt worked dilligently to shape the requirements for the recital process. And the students , both Undergrad and Grad, work hard to conform to those standards required of them. It is good discipline, in many ways.
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