Tuesday, October 24, 2006

My Even More Favorite Year

Now that i have had a work session with the talented and patient David Holcenberg , Musical Director for the re-workings we are doing for Lynn and Steve, I like the score even better than I did before, especially as he explained to me the new direction the writers are taking with the quality of the story they want to tell. "Belle's" song ROOKIE seems more useful to me now, as we worked on how the writers want it to be sung...and as we worked on it, I began to see it's true value in the story. I enjoyed our session. And getting to know this interesting David a bit. I am glad to know him.

I woke up under more of the cloud that has been hanging over me for a few days and I suddenly realized that it could well be the start of something like a cold or a bit of a flu bug. I feel actually ill...achy and sore eyes and scratchy throat, stuffy nose, so why not call it what it is?! It depresses me to feel ill, and so I tend to call the state of unwellness something other than what it is, like it is almost under my control if I call it something else...this morning I decided to admit I may be "under the weather" (all sorts of weather) and let myself feel it. The minute I let myself be where I actually am, I felt a lifting of a burden. Thus feeling somewhat better...oops...i just sneezed hugely! I have a Fall flu bug! So, there!!!

Still must teach class at 2:00....and pick up my cellphone at the NYU Lost and Found Department...yep...I lost my cell phone on campus yesterday. And thankfully got a call from the Lost and Found Department on Washington Place that they had found it! Yay! But that uncharacteristic loss is typical of how my mind has been roaming over the past few days: I feel scattered and at odds: a sure sign of my not feeling healthy.

But, Peter's dear parents will be here late tomorrow night. And we are very glad. All of us: even the puppies. They adore cuddling with their grandparents, and both Peter and I love having them near. All four of us will go to see WAITING FOR GODOT on Thursday night, the 26th, down at NYU: The Gate Theater from Dublin is here, performing this Irish classic, and NYU is hosting them at Kimmel Hall. It should be wonderful, and I have urged all my students to see it, no matter what their feelings about Beckett. At the very least, they wil be seeing a legendary theater company performing one of their own. That sort of history and lineage matter.

We received the Barter Theatre 2007 line-up, and it is filled with shos i could direct or perform in, so it made me feel slightly nostalgic for the dear place. But, a committment to Barter is an important and large decision...one that I simply am not in the frame of mind to make right now, especially since I am not feeling so well. And I respect and honor Rick Rose's decision to keep his company intact and well cared for and faithful. I know how tough it is to bring someone in for a brief time to work, as the balance and efficiency are skewed. Plus which, I am not sure how happy I would be only going for a short time. Part of me still wants to be there forever. And for always. But home is here now. (See what I mean? I am in this pickle of indecision and ill ease... cannot seem to get comfortable in either thought or body) IN ANY EVENT: it still feels good to love a place so much (as I do love Barter) that it throws an emotional curve ball every now and then. The Barter 2007 company has a great and interesting year ahead of them. And so do their audiences. Bless them!!

Well....I must go off to class. But first, some meditation and chanting in our Purple Room!


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