Monday, August 28, 2006
Something I Want To Share...
....for several reasons , not the least of which is that it's just so sweet....and so good of this person to also contains seeds of thought that may help others who happen to read it, so....copying and pasting...
"No! This is not spam!
I don't know if you remember me, but, lordy, do I remember you. I worked as an apprentice at Barter in 2003 for a life-changing summer.
I am currently on the road with the National Tour of Cats. I'm Alonzo, or as I like to call him, the dance bitch.
I was online, and bored (nothing new, and yes, sometimes a dangerous combination) and for some reason went to Barter's website, and I then made it my goal to find you. You were such a presence in my mind after I left Barter. I didn't get to spend as much time as I wanted with you, in Virginia, and the moments I did I was so scared and unsure that the real me never came through. Hell, that summer, I didn't know who the real me was.
I know you probably get emails from pupils all the time, and I just wanted to let you know that you are a huge part of the reason that I am who I am today. You gave me courage, on stage and off, and made me want to be brave. One Evalyn Baron memory that I dust and remember alot, is one in the hallway of the greenroom and wigroom, and Stage II. You were actually talking to Janine Kyanko, not me. I know, funnier still. I happened to intrude on the converstion and you were saying the words, "Janine, you. are. E-NOUGH". I had to run away, because I was about to break down. The universe knew that I needed to hear those words right then. It's stuck with me.
There are countless more Evalyn moments that I recall all the time. Getting to watch you every night in Pirates and Pinafores. Spot Op 2, baby.
I hope you get this, if for no reason other than to know that you, as a performer, woman, and teacher, impacted someone for his whole life. I wouldn't be here in Brazil with Cats if it weren't for that summer at Barter. Post Barter, I left college after a semester, and I went to ballet school in Chicago for almost 3 years after that, and got the tar kicked out of me by two russians with sticks. It was the hardest 3 years of my life. You gave me this little card that you had bought at the Craft Festival in Abingdon, and you wrote on the back, "Happy Birthday, Enjoy the Changes, love, Evavlyn Baron, August 9th 2003." I read that note alot when I didn't know a SOUL in Chicago and was sore, tired, and strapped for, well, just about everything.
I auditioned for every ballet company that was auditioning, and soon realized that that world is NOT for me. Went to the Chicago's audition for Wicked, got called back for Cats, and here I am. who knew. meow.
It was nice to see your face on your website, and I hope eveything is going SO wondefully for you.
Miss and Love you,
Luka McCollum "
"No! This is not spam!
I don't know if you remember me, but, lordy, do I remember you. I worked as an apprentice at Barter in 2003 for a life-changing summer.
I am currently on the road with the National Tour of Cats. I'm Alonzo, or as I like to call him, the dance bitch.
I was online, and bored (nothing new, and yes, sometimes a dangerous combination) and for some reason went to Barter's website, and I then made it my goal to find you. You were such a presence in my mind after I left Barter. I didn't get to spend as much time as I wanted with you, in Virginia, and the moments I did I was so scared and unsure that the real me never came through. Hell, that summer, I didn't know who the real me was.
I know you probably get emails from pupils all the time, and I just wanted to let you know that you are a huge part of the reason that I am who I am today. You gave me courage, on stage and off, and made me want to be brave. One Evalyn Baron memory that I dust and remember alot, is one in the hallway of the greenroom and wigroom, and Stage II. You were actually talking to Janine Kyanko, not me. I know, funnier still. I happened to intrude on the converstion and you were saying the words, "Janine, you. are. E-NOUGH". I had to run away, because I was about to break down. The universe knew that I needed to hear those words right then. It's stuck with me.
There are countless more Evalyn moments that I recall all the time. Getting to watch you every night in Pirates and Pinafores. Spot Op 2, baby.
I hope you get this, if for no reason other than to know that you, as a performer, woman, and teacher, impacted someone for his whole life. I wouldn't be here in Brazil with Cats if it weren't for that summer at Barter. Post Barter, I left college after a semester, and I went to ballet school in Chicago for almost 3 years after that, and got the tar kicked out of me by two russians with sticks. It was the hardest 3 years of my life. You gave me this little card that you had bought at the Craft Festival in Abingdon, and you wrote on the back, "Happy Birthday, Enjoy the Changes, love, Evavlyn Baron, August 9th 2003." I read that note alot when I didn't know a SOUL in Chicago and was sore, tired, and strapped for, well, just about everything.
I auditioned for every ballet company that was auditioning, and soon realized that that world is NOT for me. Went to the Chicago's audition for Wicked, got called back for Cats, and here I am. who knew. meow.
It was nice to see your face on your website, and I hope eveything is going SO wondefully for you.
Miss and Love you,
Luka McCollum "
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