Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The New School Musical Theatre Immersion

WOW!!!!! Just came from a meeting where we talked and talked about the curriculum for the 16 action-packed days of the New School Summer Immersion and , good god, was it exciting...Somehow, Diane Wundisford and Keith Buehl managed to put together a most wonderful core faculty and we had the best time throwing ideas around and shaping philsophies and talking mission and intention ...well, an invigorating 2 hours turned into a stunning 5 hours of conversation and viewing of applicants tapes...we are getting some wonderful people...

And because it is a brand new program never before done at the New School, there were all sorts of things to discuss and figure out...and we have begun! Very exciting. The Master Classes alone are worth the money the students are paying...people like Bill Erwin and Kristin Chenoweth and Bernie Telsey and Donna Murphy, teaching two hour classes on any a given day, but the rigorous schedule of dance at Merce Cunningham every morning, acting classes with me and with the amazing amazingly wonderful Nova Thomas (from Westminster College of Music)....repertoire and audition class with Chuck Maryam...what is being called "synthesis class" at the end of each day in which Diane and Keith pull it all together for them...well, it will be a rich and productive 16 days...it will be swift and powerful. And if half the intentions of the group are met, these people will come away from their experience changed in profound ways...even Don Green, the performance psychologist, is in the mix and will be monitoring the 18 students' progress...they will receive enormous amounts of input and we will all be very tired when it is done. And I am honored to be included....these are terrific spirits and their ideas are deeply deeply artistic and full of goodness....I am so thrilled.

Much prep to do....and we meet at the downtown Westbeth school building next week...wow. This will be fun.

I will soon have a link to the program on my website, so you can read more about it.


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