Wednesday, May 17, 2006

A Dubbing We Shall Go...

...bright and far too early this morning, this gorgeous Wednesday morning, sunny and cool...i am due at a 56th Street Studio by 9:45 to begin a session of looping new lines for the Mt. Vernon film I shot...should take maybe an hour or so,since I know this crew works will be nice to see such good people again..and I will be able to see the entire little film, I think. They tell me it turned out great. And maybe I can get a clip or two to put on my website!

After that session, I will go by the midtown home of Ruth and Jerry Selman, who I will write more about later...suffice it to say they are a remarkable elderly couple in the mid-80's,and they are what i would dub extraordinary people......Pat Yonka first met Ruth when they came together to work for the Peace Council of the Montesssori NGO at the United Nations..NGO stands for Non-Governmental Organization...and both Ruth and Jerry ,her astonishing husband, have been working for the causes of peace, futurism and prgressive politics all their lives...they are what I would certainly call Old Reds, in the best tradition of that phrase: liberal New York Jews, with hearts of gold and principals of iron...not that they were ever actually members of the Communist Party (whether they were or not is something I don't know), but they were marching for peace long before it became popular, and I imagine they fought for a number of unpopular causes in their day...I love these people.

They came with Pat and Charles Y. to see A FINE AND PRIVATE PLACE on Mothers' Day and we dined with them after the show.....Ruth wants a copy of the script for the Drama Group she has started in her Assisted Living Facility!!!! She is unstoppable!
And still sits in on the United Nations briefings given regularly for NGO's and their representatives. As it happens, their son Matty Selman is a writer and a collaborator, lately , with Galt McDermot on a couple of musicals....Pat hooked me up with this information, and some scripts of theirs, while i was down at Barter. Funny how it all works. Matty wrote the book for GODDESS WHEEL...Galt wrote the wonderful music. And there is a new one Matty has said he wants me to look at as well. To give to the York, perhaps. We shall see. But this is all under the title of "Small World"....Ruth and there is a subject worth writing a play about!

It is very early right now, and Pat and Charles have departed already to return to Michigan. Their visit was valuable on several levels....I love them so much.

And at the end of this week, Paul and Steve finally return from the West Coast! They are having the most glorious time out there and will be somewhat sad to return to real life i imagine...but that does not stop me from selfishly being ecstatic that they are coming home! YAY!

Now, off to dub!


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