Friday, April 14, 2006

WW of Pollen , Part Two

So last night's First Preview went well: i.e. we remembered all our words and nothing fell down! In fact, I even discovered a new moment or two, which is always satisfying. And the thing that most pleased me was i got certain phrases of language right that i had been getting wrong for several rehearsals...precise points of language that do make a difference in how she expresses herself,and that sort of detail is what makes last night was good for that, at least for me, though I know it was rather a nerve-wracking evening for others...I felt oddly relieved...maybe because I am just so darned grateful to be able to breathe again!

Which brings me back to the pollen thing, mentioned above in the headline...because, you see, it's Springtime in New York City and that is always lovely, truly lovely...all those gorgeous blossoming trees, white and pink and lush and fabulous...bursting with life, fragrant and......deadly....for those of us with, as it happens, ALLERGIES!!!! Add to the gorgeous trees flinging their pollen around a theater full of sawdust, and other varous dusts...and you had me....STUFFED, COUGHING and pretty miserable...out of a cast of five, THREE OF THE ACTORS went to their ear-nose-and-throat doctors on the day off....I re-established contact with the office of Dr. Gwen Korovin, and after hundreds of dollars in visit fees and meds, I began to feel better....nothing wrong with the vocal chords, just lots of mucus from allergic reactions, and lots of stuff to clear up and keep flowing....I'm just happy I was able not to lose my voice through all of it...but because it has been so hard to even breathe,it has taken far too much energy to even simply has been awful..even last night, even though I felt pretty good about the whole journey of my work through the show, I was in danger of coughing up some major dustballs at the top of Act Two...ridiculous...i have taken to carrying a bottle of water around with me in my costume bag..."Klapper" carries a large bag, of course...and lots of throat lozenges...i hate feeling so debilitated... but the voice remains strong, and I am grateful.

So, we plod on, through the mucus...and today we rehearse for four hours before our Preview #2...last nights audience was small but warm and welcoming. Several folks in the biz were already coming...Evan Pappas was there, adorable and warm as ever...Jerry Wade, co-producer of Gingold Group (they produce the Project Shaw evenings)...and few other lovely strangers remained afterward to tell us how good we were....a small group, and another small one expected this evening due to the Easter holiday, but we shall continue to do the best work we can, of course....when is it ever not so?


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