Sunday, April 09, 2006

The World STINKS! least this common, everyday, human world as we know is filled with Lindsey Lohan "wanna-be's", young people desirous of doing nothing with their lives except imitate blond, show skin and act like idiots! We have a President who never earned the right to lead anyone anywhere, and here he is leading the supposed Free World...we have a New York City filled with common criminals, dirty ignoramuses with nothing but I-tunes between their ears...and cruelty, in this building alone, one single elevator (since our other one is being replaced and updated,etc), that is monopolized by a greedy few who insist that they be able to keep it one their particular floors for as long as they wish to....getting out of this building takes forever....yes, stairs are an option, at least going down, but still...people are pigs! Selfish pigs. And not only in this building...all over....for example, yesterday, in the rain....

People on the bus? Puhleeze....barnyard animals! All they needed to do was "moo", "baa" and cluck like chickens and the picture would have been complete!

And to top it all off? The Barter sent me a copy of the Alice White Memorial film made for the Memorial Service they held for her (thank you dear Diana for sending it to us) and I sat here this morning, went through it twice on my computer, and wept so hard I now cannot breathe!

In a world that barely makes sense each day, how can one explain the taking away of a good soul, a gifted and generous spirit like Alice? She should not have died. She should not have suffered as she did. No! She should not have! Aside from being sad, I am now very angry. And sad. Both at once. It is not a pleasant state to be in....
especially during tech week...

How can a man sit in an Oval Office and dictate the deaths of thousands,...what has he done to deserve that sort of awesome power? Any man...but especially this one?
This terribly stupid and flawed one...yes, we are all terribly stupid and flawed..I know, I know....but we are not President of the United States....nor do we aspire to be...aspiration: to breathe with intent to give life....passion....sorry......there is certainly no com-passion...with passion....anywhere near where this man is sitting, daily...if there deed....the world is soooo stupid, and for some reason, I am making a direct connection today between peoples' behavior on the bus yesterday and the way this President of ours is making the world run....something common threading through human nature, scared and animal...

Undignified. Unworthy.

I have a cold.

Gotta go to rehearsal.

Amen! We agree, especially your comments regarding Bush.

By some chance, have you read Harold Pinter's essay in the current issue of The Dramatists. Says much of the same, only more incriminating.

Love & hugs from both of us.

Ron & Melissa

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