Thursday, April 27, 2006

Sleep, that knitteth up the sleave of care....

...or something to that effect....the long and short of it? I slept until noon today! And my day off Upstate, I slept every time I got near a surface to do so...and sunned and read Buddhist literature in the sun....and slept some more...

Yesterday was one of those Wednesdays: 9:30 am class....then two shows of A FINE AND PRIVATE PLACE...then a long audience talk-back afterward that I felt i had to stay for because several of my dear students stayed for it...if they had met me immediately in the Lobby like Gary (my agent) and his wife Cheryl did, I would have gotten home much earlier...but it was great to hear more of Peter Beagle's stories..he is a genuine raconteur...and his interests are many and wide...he is one of those men whose appetite for life is voracious and he wrote A FINE AND PRIVATE PLACE when he was 19 years of age!!!!!! So , unconsciously, he seems to channel experience and events....he seems belwildered by this...i think it is the sign of a true artist.

Tonight we open officially, and it seems the House is so filled, they are having trouble seating eveyone...our audiences have been respectab;e amd very kindly responsive to the show. The York, and the wirters seem to have a genuine concern about the critics...not that they do not believe in our show, but rather that it remains true to this day that what is written down about the show has the power to hurt or help Box Office...and egos being as fragile as they naturally are, one never wants one's hard work and care to be criticized...especailly in a community full of, I had forgotten, since living in a place where reviews really did not have the sting that NYC ones do...I had forgotten how sensitive people can be about them...this of course angers me, since i believe that what these writers have done is so worthwhile, and what critics may have to say about it is so incidental to what actually matters...but since no reviews have come out yet, we shall have to see and we shall have to play the New York is a personal creed of mine (If I can stick to it, which is hard sometimes) to not read reviews of shows i am in...until after the show closes. But word has a way of getting behind that resolve anyway..good reviews...well people cannot wait to trumpet them in your ears...and bad reviews...well..they somehow get to be known as I say, we shall see.....

What I do know is that we have a wonderful company of talented and caring artists and I want them all (myself included) to be proud of what we have created!

Our dear pal Chase Helton from Abingdon is visiting for a few days...seeing many shows (AFPP tomorrow night) and he is sweet...brought us an armload of gifts from Disneyworld, where he has been interning for this semester. Adorable..

So, other than our opening tonight, I have a day in which to do as I please, and even if i did sleep half of it away, I still want to dive in and do stuff around home. But first? A SHOWER!!!! And more coffee.


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