Thursday, March 02, 2006

Snowing like crazy out there again....

...and once more, from our 9th floor windows, it feels like we are living in a large exciting snowglobe! The snows are flying sideways. Actually very pretty!
i woke up feeling better today than I have felt in a few days, rested, less nasally clogged up, not head-achey as i have been , and i can only attribute it to several possibilities: that wonderful class in Buddhism last night, and the attendant 30 minute sitting meditation before it started...the Sudafed I wisely took before going to bed....or to the fact that for the first time in several days, i did not stuff and thereby destroy my body with sugar and chocolate!!! I do not know where I get off thinking I can get away with that sort of eating! SO this morning, bright and bushy-tailed, I feel swell! PROTEIN: YES! SUGAR: NO!!!!
And I have personally experienced and known about the ravages of sugar for years now, and yet i let myself gorge on it, as if nothing will happen to me. Well, the past few days have been awful...I have felt i am relieved i feel somewhat better. In fact, a whole lot better. And ready to head out for the Yoga Class i could not drag myself to on Tuesday! Only a block away, and I could not get there! In any event, feeling good is whole lot better than feeling ill, so the next time a box of chocolate cookies shows up in one of my classes, I'd best remember what those delicious lethal things do to me, and like the mature adult I am, restrain myself!
Just had a nice long IM session with darling Ed Dixon. who is down in DC doing
THE PERSIANS at the Shakespeare Theater. It's a production he has done before, with the same director. From there he goes right over to the Kennedy Center production of MAME with Christine Baranski, (He's playing Lindsey Woolsey) and he will be wonderful and earning, I hope, lots of money! Darling Ed.....I hope to get down to see him in something down there.
Good gracious. The snow continues to blast across the urban landscape. For those of you reading this, and who came to this blog from my web-site , you will know what I'm talking about when I say: Peter has done a swell job re-designing the site! So colorful, yet professional looking...the way I did it was indeed colorful, but so disorganized and really not properly built...I was "winging it" with what little knowledge I had...but Peter has really begun to put it into shape, and I am so grateful. There will be a sort of formal launching of the site once it really is done, but already it 's so lovely, and we both get new ideas for it everyday. So we will continue to work on it. So grateful to Peter for his help.


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