Thursday, March 16, 2006

Sixteen Years Ago....

.....maybe a little more, we first did A FINE AND PRIVATE PLACE at Goodspeed...hard to believe that many years have intervened...anyway, the pleasure of this current adventure with it is that I get to bring 16 years' worth of experience and knowledge and growth to a project that not only can bear it, but will be even richer for it, and this growth and enriching is best reflected , so far, in the work Milt Granger has been doing with me on the songs I thought i knew....I am deeply enjoying re-discovering, and in some cases, newly discovering elements of "Klapper" music that thrill me....little things i was either too young or too arrogant to see before, or that were not pointed out to me...things ike dynamic markings, actual notes of the songs as written as opposed to how I "interpreted" them...the careful crafting of each musical statement, so passionately but cavalierly thrown away by the younger artist that was me.... I like what I'm learning. It makes the job not only more interesting, but also more fulfilling on deeper levels. Also, I am a better singer now than I was then, and I am enjoying the actual singing more.

Today, a quick industrial film audition dowtown at House Productions, then to rehearsal. We stage and explore my first Act Oone scenes with "Rebick" and "Michael" today...watching Glen Allen work yesterday, I was moved by his talent...the opening scene, where "Michae;" discovers he is actually dead and lying in his coffin... and he does this through a great song...Glen is gifted...(I have to ask him if he spells his name with one or two "n's"...).

Our day off this week is this coming Saturday, due to everyone's various schedules...I will do a massive grocery shopping with my husband on that day! Our cupboards are bare!

toodle-ooo for now...xxev


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