Sunday, February 19, 2006

Yikes! It's COLD......

...and New York is sunny and bright as frozen chrome today! 15 degrees! Yes, Winter is here, after so many days of a rather Spring-like season...cold has descended....but at least it is sunny sunny sunny...we breakfast with Rick R. and Amanda A. at The Edison Hotel Coffee Shop in an hour or so...after learning, from an online pal in an Instant Message that the Barter Theatre Scene Shop burned down yesterday afternoon! NO ONE WAS HURT, which is the most imortant thing of all...and it is deemed by all official folk as an accident, pure and simple....also, according to Rick, almost all of the needed scenery for the next shows to open was already inside the Beast (as the Shop truck is called) so all that hard work was not destroyed....and the shows can go on! Whew! Money needs to be raised to rebuild, but no doubt, given the community's love for the Barter, that money will come.

We are just grateful no one was hurt.

LATER...same day....

SOOO great to be with Rick and Amanda this morning, and we will join them later tonight to see a movie...while they are here we want all of them we can get!


WOW...we saw WHY WE FIGHT, a stunning documentary about how our country is now shaped to fight wars it should not be fighting due to the build up of the indutrial-military complex thoughout our United States....Dwight D. Eisenhower coined that phrase for the first time: industrial-military complex, as he warned in his farewell speech from Office...warned us against allowing corporate and industrial greed to determine our going to war....and of course, exactly what he warned against has happened in a terrifying way....little pieces of info stunned me, and made me realize that in a "Matrix"-like way, we are all, against our wishes and our wills, caught in a web of determinism, with other larger more powerful forces running , hell, in fact, creating the very moral fiber of our existences...we are nothing but little doll-like figures caught in the dance choreographed by practically unseen puppet masters....our lives are, absolutely are, determined by what the government ,the corporations, the military, desire to have seems practically useless, since the publicity machine run by these sad "Masters" is all pervasive, and we know no other way to look at the world except through what we are shown by them..and on and on and, of course, the movie that Rick, Amanda, Peter and I saw last night opened up all these areas of discussion...and we talked late into the night at a lovely meal at Fiorello's across from Lincoln Center

...and most of the people in this country seem not to care at all about the truth of what is begin to actually think for themselves would mean having to give up so many illusions, and fight for things that are disturbing to admit we have lost: like independence and power and human decency...most of America loves its aggressive ways and its cozy hatreds....

I love and now miss yet again rick and amanda.....

But it is good, in our lives, to have people we love and love enough to miss.



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