Friday, November 25, 2005

Oh, no....

...this cannot be right...surely this is some sort of awful joke...Thom H . just wrote, as he has been doing to keep us all updated on Alice White's progress in the hospital, and today's news was simply that Alice had died...Yesterday morning, on Thanksgiving...Alice died. Dammit! Alice! Don't do that! WHY DID YOU DO THAT? I am so angry! And so sad. Alice died. How could this be? Alice...dear, tall, strong, funny, gifted, empathic, dramatic, brilliant dear Alice...she's gone from this particular Earth, and is probably sitting up on some fluffy cloud somewhere looking down on all of us saying: HAH! I'm free at last! I'll be waiting for you all, so git on up here!!!" All the theatrical directors in Heaven are gleeful because now they have Alice to cast, and all the deceased character women are perhaps less gleeful because the competition just got much stiffer...although in Heaven, I sincerely hope there are enough shows to go around for everyone who wants to rehearse one...Broadway with a capital B-R-O-A-D-W-A-Y!!!! ALice...long, slender Alice...I can just hear her now , floating up there above us all, ("High-flying Adored" comes to mind)....she is full of that special Alice astonishment at how perfect it all is...she is loving where she is, as she usually always did love whatever came her way! Joie de vivre!

Darling Alice...I love you.


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