Sunday, November 27, 2005

Home from the Holiday..

...having lost from my life two lovely women: Mom Daniels and Alice White...ah well: life and all we see in it are transitory...this is both the beauty and the horror of the life we live on this level of existence. This right seeing of how things truly are can be a source of, home in NYC back from beautiful snowy Michgan, comfortable in my home with my dear husband who is a source of true love for me, I feel comforted. The City roils around us and we relax in our home.

We accomplished the 10-hour drive home yesterday with a minimum of bother and fuss,running into virtually no traffic all the way...until, of course , we reached the ever-popular GW Bridge into this city of legend, and then we sat in traffic for a while, but we hardly noticed it ,we were so happy to be at the end of this particular journey...having had a loving and nurturing time with Pat and Charles Y., Peter and I and our pups Cyrano and Sally were well-fed, content and the long wait to pay the toll to get back home hardly phased us. And soon, indeed, we were parked in front of our building, unpacking the car, picking up our week of mail from the smiling doorman Carlos, who always seems glad to see us.

I returned the car to Hertz, picked up a few groceries, came home and we snuggled into an early sleep.

With this entire Sunday to get ready for the Holiday In New York weeks ahead. What will they bring? Peter's parents will join us on December 22nd, less than a month away,and in that time I must make sure our destroyed Guest Room is habitable again!
It should be dry enough by now to at least scrape ,seal and paint...and if we can organize it prettily, Pat and Charles will have a nice place to sleep when they visit.

I am hold for that SOPRANOS later this month, whether I book it or have made a good impression on that important casting office is nice..voice-overs are picking up.....possibilities are cropping up everywhere. And I look forward to some interesting offers from Barter over the next while that may make it possible for me to go back "home" for a while in the summer. In any event, there is much to do in the world,the more I study Buddhism, the more I realize that most of the things needing doing have little or nothing to do with my previous ambitions. Help, kindness, nurturing, healing, generosity and creativity are needed everywhere.,,...Pat Y. is an inspiration to me on that score...her peace work on behalf of Montessori is remarkable.

And the love that is continually developing between Peter and me is a miracle of daily proportions to me...

I think that the week's break we just had has enabled me to appreciate things I have been too busy to see. So much to be grateful for.

I am sending particular waves of thought to dear Rick R. as he goes to the mat down South on behalf of needed changes in that town we all love. The reactionary forces of fear and mistrust constantly battle progress. Why this is historically true remains one of the baffling human tendencies. But, the Wheel of Samsara eternally turns, and it has to have something to provide its traction, right? In my less loving moments, i wish that Wheel would crush all who define its very existence...but, taking all judgement out of the equation, I gotta appreciate Rick R's courage even more. I just sit and fume with rage. He does something!

And he does a lot!! Alice's demise provided Rick and me with a chance to talk and talk this past weekend while I was in Michigan. We caught up on a lot. And I literally relaxed, hearing his voice. His is a compassionate and deeply creative masculine energy that challenges and comforts me. I miss it in my life.

Tomorrow, we go to another Epic Theater reading down at the Players Club. I look forward to it. And Abrams Agency want to talk to me about representing me as a theater director. That could be interesting.



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