Sunday, September 18, 2005


On our ride home tonight from the Upstate House, where we did spend the most beautiful weekend, both working on the house and just being in the great early Fall especially was cool and wonderful, and the trees have that look of letting the summer go, blushing with the promises of a colorful Autumn..still quite warm, but something definitely in the air that makes you think of baking pies from the apples you pick yourself at some local orchard.I had a great time driving around on errands that took me through lots of gorgeous country side. Anyway, as I started
to say, on the way home from Upstate tonight, Steve asked if it was easy to tell when someone in one of my classes has what he called "it", the promise of making it big, etc...could I tell from their work in class...something special that distinguished one student above all others...of course I had to tell him that that was not at all the case...that indeed we all have, everyone has an "it" , what I define as something special to give the planet ....and , sure, certain people make certain impressions at certain times, and if those times are lucky and meant to be seen by certain others, then something happens that moves the energy into a bigger arena...that may be called "making it"...BUT, really, that same impressive energy may just as possibly have gone awry in the same instant and impressed no is all fate and karma and energy and hard work, and one student who starts out dull or unpromising can turn around in a certain time and be stunningly i have given up judging the way I used to serves me not at all to judge in such a way, and it certainly does the student no good if I prejudge them in any substantive, what is "IT" , anway?

Interesting question, though, so i thank Steve C. for asking it of me. In fact, generally speaking, I thank that dear man for many things, not the least of which is his pure loving energy and good heart...also, his fantastic delicious meals he cooks for us all up at the House...his berry cobblers are now my favorite food. He takes such good care of all of us. I love him.

IT feels so goodto be home tonight with my dear husband and our exhausted puppies...they are lumps of fur on the sofa, because they have run and run and run through the woods today, and caught sticks, and caroused in the underbrush, and they are TIRED!!!!!! Exhausted clumps of doggie fur and soft tummies...sleeeeeping!

To all Barter-ites, reading this blog: did you know there is a Barter Blog? And that you can write on it? There is a password,etc. so you need to get that from Rick R.or Joan B. ...but it is accessible on this blogsite, and even audience people are invited to write in!!!! Ann J., find out about it from the Barter Office folk and write in it....encourage others to do the same! And I need to get more Barter actors and tech people to write in it as could be such an interesting site for all concerned..a real chance to creatively write about the intricate and often mysterious things we all do there..I have made one entry, long ago, and am dismayed to find no one else has even written in it after my come on folks: WRITE!!!! Talk about it...share what you do...write about it!!!

Two private classes this week...i can hardly wait...i keep getting more and more inquiries about these classes..I am fighting to keep them small...and because they are my classes, run and shaped by me, the only person I am fighting with is MYSELF!!!And that is rather nice....I know how to argue with myself much better than I know how to argue with other people...and there is such exciting potential in these Tuesday and Wednesday night much can be lovingly accomplished with all this extraordinary talent. i feel honored to have each and every actor there.
For me, there has always been something powerful in a gathering of actors. And really tht is all a class is: a gathering of energies excited to learn and grow.

Maybe that's what "it" actually is.

Arr! I hopes ye do a better job fightin' wit yerself than wit me. Ye swab. Brother Richard.

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