Monday, August 08, 2005

Yet again....sorry....


Please forgive once more my sheer laziness ...and ...well...laziness...for not writing more often say that I have been "under the weather" is actually a great and exact way of putting it...all of us here in this large and crowded city have been definitely UNDER THE WEATHER, and since the weather has been in the 90's,( the high 90's at that), and since the humidity has been practically total, it has been one hell of a heavy weather to be under....i simply wilt and wait to die when there is weather like this and I have to be out in it...humidity is my nemesis, always has been, and so combine that with the fact of my return to the gym (FINALLY!!!) and picture if you can this: me, coming home from a busy day of teaching, sweating from every possible bodily orifice, sitting stupidly in front of one of our air conditioners until the sweat has dried (or frozen) and then my changing into gym workout clothes...I then drag myself to the Paris Health Club down at 97th and West End Avenue, a walk that if it were not downhill, I probably would not bother making, and there i work out until energy has returned to fact, I am at that point in my laziness where i can honestly say my body is deeply grateful for my having gotten smart enough to work it out..i feel enormously wonderful after each workout and steam and sauna....the whirlpool is a blessing, and i feel renewed, as i trudge back up the hill to home! But then. when i get home, there is nothing for me to do but collapse on the first flat surface i can reach, and there I fall into a well-deserved nap until the next thing i have to do wakes me...One day, at the Upstate House, when I first started working out again, I slept nearly one entire Saturday away, while the guys all worked in the House....I am that out of shape...oh well...better late than i said, my body is grateful.

MEANWHILE....the 6 weeks of CAP 21 classes ended today, with a marvelous Pre-College Acting Class "audienced" by the proud parents of the 16 kids I have been teaching, and it was a pretty joyous morning..terrific breakthrough work from all the young actors, and a relaxed and fun atmosphere in the room...I was proud of them. And actually proud of the my teaching over these weeks. I think I did make a difference in these kids'lives. The parents were suitably impressed, and very warm with me.
My Professional Musical Scene Study Class ended on this past Friday. Another good group of slightly older actors. Good people. Hard workers. I liked them so much.

There is some talk of my continuing the classes into the Fall, at night, privately. We shall see what the response is from them all once they have gotten back to their "normal" lives...One parent has already contacted me about a private "intensive" session with here daughter in the Fall...they live out of New York and want to make a special trip of it, with the prime idea being to get their gifted kid some prep time for her college auditions. I of course said I would be glad to help. I will remain interested in this particular group for a long time to come.

Cousin Miriam was here this past weekend (we saw DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL one evening), and right now, our darling Drew E. is staying with us on his days off from Goodspeed and it's great to be with him.He is currently performing "Lord Brockhurst" in THE BOYFRIEND there, directed by Juie Andrews and having a great time doing it! Our Blue Guest Room is earning its keep!
We now have a portable air conditioner that helps make that room much more comfortable! We do not want our guests dying of heat stroke, now do we?

Peter is wonderful. Helping Paul a lot at the Upstate House over this period of time, and enjoying being in the country....we do love it up there. And I know that Paul appreciates Peter's excellent help. I love being married to Peter, and we are discovering so much about each other as we go through this time together. He is a remarkable partner and love.

I had hoped to get down to Abingdon once classes had ended, but since voice-over work is picking up now, after a rather moribund July, I think I must postpone my trip down until early September. I fear that if i go down, I may never come home again...but no that is not true: the adventures here are too important to both Peter and me...but I will enjoy seeing all the dear people I love there...and the plays, of course...i am so curious to see the quality of the work now that I must inevitably have a different perspective on it...I remember, during my long run in Les Miserables, Stage Management would "rotate" longtime company members out of the show for a night, so we could go sit in the audience and watch the show, in order to refresh our experience of it...always a valuable thing to do. So, I long to go to Abingdon and see theater!

Tonight we saw THE MARCH OF THE PENGUINS , a documentary about Emperor Penguins down at the South Pole...a thoroughly enchanting film! And we had a huge dinner at BubbaGump's Fish Place first...What fun! Yum! We all three felt like genuine tourists in Times Square and i liked it! What deeply amazes me is what i have begun to call THE BRANDING OF BROADWAY!!! So many theaters now have a corporation name in front of them (Nokia Theatre, Snapple Theatre,etc) and so many HUGE signs colorfully and electrically pushing their a scene out of BLADERUNNER....we are now IN the future that film pictured... and it is a time of light and color and total distraction from any sort of internal contemplation or quiet experience. I think that's why MARCH OF THE PENGUINS was sort fo thrilling. All that ice. And the diligence of those amazing birds as they trudged back and forth across the ice fulfilling their biological was calming. And somehow reassuring.

Well, enough for one catch-up blog....must get some sleep. But more soon...I promise.

Love, Evalyn


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