Sunday, June 26, 2005
Six Weeks
...and the teaching begins the middle of next. From June 29th through August 8th, I will have two classes to teach at CAP 21: Professional Musical Scene Study and Pre-College Acting, both of which will have 16 people in them, a fair mix of males and females,so the scene planning will go relatively easily. CAP 21's Summer Program is going full tilt and successfully, growing larger each year. I am told that there will be 80 (!) entering Freshmen in September, 2005. This is almost unbelievable.It has grown beyond anything we ever thought possible.
Meanwhile, the heat is intense and humidity high.
Peter has met and is stlll in the process of meeting more Abrams Artists agents, and there seems to be enough interest there to yield some activity later. Sooner, I hope. So does Peter. These feel like languishing days for us both.But soon my teaching will fill the days far too much and I am seeking the necessary balance while I have the time to do so, before the intense teaching schedule intrudes.
We saw BATMAN BEGINS yesterday afternoon and it was swell and fun. We sat in the cool air,eating popcorn and enjoying the dark....we have gone to the movies so rarely since we came home that i fully expected to see Abingdon when we came out of the theater, but saw Broadway and 84th Street instead. For a moment, I missed the calm and relative order of Abingdon's Main Street. But as we walked home, browsing in all the magnificent stores that line Upper Broadway, my spirits lifted.
Billy Graham, the famous and beloved minister of Christian faith, will soon be filling a local stadium with his thousands and thousands of followers and admirers. His message is love. Perhaps he will explain to the multitudes why we are killing so many people in the Middle East, and why we have managed to incur the poisonous hatred of so many around the world who feel victimized by our country's grasping and greedy way of life. Surely his message of loving your fellow man has had time to reach the ears of those among us who hate. But still homophobia, hunger, judgement and condemnation thrive, and people of all skin colors are persecuted,hurt and killed in the name of Christ everyday. So tell me, is this what Jesus had in mind?
In any event, I respect all who care, on any level, about the the spirit of man, and everyday i delve as deeply into my own spirit and purpose as I can. I simply wish we could stop killing each other. Stop hating.
Bye for now.
Meanwhile, the heat is intense and humidity high.
Peter has met and is stlll in the process of meeting more Abrams Artists agents, and there seems to be enough interest there to yield some activity later. Sooner, I hope. So does Peter. These feel like languishing days for us both.But soon my teaching will fill the days far too much and I am seeking the necessary balance while I have the time to do so, before the intense teaching schedule intrudes.
We saw BATMAN BEGINS yesterday afternoon and it was swell and fun. We sat in the cool air,eating popcorn and enjoying the dark....we have gone to the movies so rarely since we came home that i fully expected to see Abingdon when we came out of the theater, but saw Broadway and 84th Street instead. For a moment, I missed the calm and relative order of Abingdon's Main Street. But as we walked home, browsing in all the magnificent stores that line Upper Broadway, my spirits lifted.
Billy Graham, the famous and beloved minister of Christian faith, will soon be filling a local stadium with his thousands and thousands of followers and admirers. His message is love. Perhaps he will explain to the multitudes why we are killing so many people in the Middle East, and why we have managed to incur the poisonous hatred of so many around the world who feel victimized by our country's grasping and greedy way of life. Surely his message of loving your fellow man has had time to reach the ears of those among us who hate. But still homophobia, hunger, judgement and condemnation thrive, and people of all skin colors are persecuted,hurt and killed in the name of Christ everyday. So tell me, is this what Jesus had in mind?
In any event, I respect all who care, on any level, about the the spirit of man, and everyday i delve as deeply into my own spirit and purpose as I can. I simply wish we could stop killing each other. Stop hating.
Bye for now.
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Evalyn...What you lament is the age old inclinations of men everywhere. In Romans 1:18-19 we read:"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who supress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them." This awareness of our sin leaves us with no excuse. Every major religion in the world is trying in some way to appease the Spirit and thus escape the consequences of our sins. Some offer sacrifices- animal or financial- or seek to endure suffering now in order to escape eternal suffering. Others teach that we can make up for our wrongs by doing more right. But no one- not one- is pure enough, good enough, or holy enough through his own efforts. The very nature of man is fearful, grasping and vengeful- and that is what is reflected in the world today...glorified and made obvious through the lens of the media- but no greater than it has been since the beginning of time. Our only hope, our Savior, is Jesus Christ- sent for our salvation- to atone for our sins. John 3:16 said it best. It is our unique gift from God in His mercy and His grace. We do not perfect ourselves here...but we do strive to be more like Jesus as we walk in His path. The problems of man's inhumanity to man will never be "solved" here on earth- until Christ returns and establishes His reign. Those who have true Christian hearts yearn for peace and love toward their fellow man, and try to live accordingly. Only by God's grace is that possible- and not by man himself. Our purpose here is to serve Him- and not to glorify ourselves. Without a humble heart that is eager to serve, no man can claim to be a true follower of Jesus- a Christian. Humility and love and gratitude is what we all need to feel and to show to the world. Then we will reap His blessings both in this world and the next! xxxABJ
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