Wednesday, June 15, 2005

KiKi Baby this really interesting new musical piece I am working on, in a week-long workshop with Lonny Price, the writers Ellen Fitzhugh, Grant Sturiale, and a terrific cast, including such old pals as Adam Heller (how many men did I do Les Mis with?), his delightful wife Kerry O'Malley, Danny Gurwin (an old Michigan pal of Peter's), Bill Buell, et al....a most wonderful group...the story is based on a novel, and is a cautionary tale of what happens to a group of people (a society) when the demands of a talented, charismatic and pettish child are met above all reason or good taste...I play "Marina" a faded opera singer who mentors the child into fame...and the style of the script is rather Grand Guignol (shades of SHOCKHEADED PETER), and deeply absurdist, as the lovely music is flowing and pretty, making the entire thing all the eerier....i adore the music..i adore the story and its intention....i love the lyrics by Ellen (she wrote one of the pivotal pieces of my young time in NYC: HERRINGBONE, starring the inimitable David Rounds, now gone)so I have been a fan of hers for decades ..the entire thing is very gifted and to work on it for a week is fine with me...Broadway performers are such quick's impressive...and we are having fun.

I went to a most interesting Arts and Business Council Workshop yesterday for several hours....on BOARD ENGAGEMENT...i learned much. Frank and I had lunch afterwards and talked a lot. Today, I go to CAP 21 for a briefing from Eliza on how to teach this summer full of will be good to focus on that.

Then more KIKI BABY rehearsal tonight. We "do" it on Saturday....for whom? I don't know...maybe no one...this is definitely a work session on the piece.

Michael Jackson was acquitted of all 10 counts of child molestation and conspiracy a couple of days ago....amazing. One more large celebrity news story bites the dust..people are saying that if you want to get away with murder or child molestation, do it in're sure to get off.

Peter had a very successful meeting at Abrams Artists yesterday: he met one guy (Neal?) and shortly after returning home he received calls about meeting 4 (!) other commercial agents in the office soon! I am proud of him. He really is working hard for what he wants. Of course , people will like him. He is gifted and gorgeous. Also, extremely personable in meetings. So....Abrams Artists stands to make a lot of money from engaging him...they are smart to see that, which is why they have been around for so long! Peter has been wokring out practically daily and he looks terrific, as he has been shedding poundage along with the workouts, as per our agent's suggestion. Looks absolutely yummy.

There is a jackhammer outsisde my morning window, going full tilt. What a lovely accompaniment to another sweltering day...perfect, really. Hell.



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