Thursday, May 19, 2005

Character Men..,or :men are characters!

My day was wonderfully full of my two favorites yesterday: Drew Eshelman and Ed Dixon!!! I spent the earlier part of the day with Drew, at a morning tozo, chanting and chanting some more...and then we walked and talked...he is in the midst of a 5-day cleansing fast, and doing quite well on it, so we sat and talked about the regimen he is faithfully following to cleanse. He gave me lots of literature about it. Once again, as he so often does, he is showing me the way. I fill with gratitude when I think of Drew. And soon, he will begin rehearsals for the Julie Andrews-directed THE BOYFRIEND, which will start at Goodspeed and then tour for 6 months or so around the country! He has been cast as "Lord Brockhurst" and will be utterly delightful, no doubt. He seems so happy and excited about this job.

Then, Peter and I had a terrfic dinner with my dearest Ed Dixon at a place neither of us had been to before: Ruby Foo's on Broadway at 77th Street. This was after a nice long visit with Ed in his cozy fine place on 81st Street, which I had not yet been to...Ed is in marvelous shape, and i guess I have never been prouder of him,as his home reflects the healthy way he has put his life together in the past years. His walls are tastefully crowded with framed posters of the many shows he has written and been in, and it is impressive. And he has an altar of sorts in one marvelous corner, filled with special objects of devotion, and it is a powerful corner. The place felt healthy and happy. I loved being with him and so did Peter. It has been a while since we have been. ED starts rehearsal for the upcoming tour of DR DOOLITTLE, the musical...and will be gone a YEAR! But Ed thrives on tour and he will welcome the money touring brings...the job will be easy, and for a change he does not have to carry the show or worry about anything really difficult to sing, so he can relax, travel and save money. Ed also thrives on tour! My darling men...all going away now that I am home! What gives? Such is the Business!

I also ran into another "Thernardier" (I have played in Les Mis opposite all these guys)when I was taking my power walk yestrday , and as ever it was great seeing Adam Heller and his adorable wife Kerry O'Malley......and I even ran into the indominable Madeleine Doherty (also a Les Mis alum)who is still in THE PRODUCERS and looks fabulous! What a doll! I must make a tea with her....

So yesterday, NYC felt like that large campus I have spoken of before...a small was gorgeous. I felt so connected to it. It really is a cozy world , the world of show business. So many common experiences shared across so many shows and so many artistic experiences. So much in common in this uncommon world. It was heartening to remember.


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