Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Spring is Here.....

...because I saw the first flowers of it in a small Uptown park on the way to the bank yesterday: Azaleas and golden buttercups. Right there, in front of my eyes, as if to say: "Hey! Don't worry! We have not deserted you ! We are HERE!!!" It was sharply refreshing,in the chill morning air, to see these early arrivals. The eternally wonderful thing about a full 4 seasons in a city like New York is that , unfailingly, it's like an entirely new wardrobe every season, every year. Like, when you go to where you stored your summer clothes, open them up and remember with joy how much fun you had wearing each item last year: like having a whole new closet full of stuff: that is each season in Manhattan...and Spring often feels the freshest and showiest memories. Riverside Park transforms into a garden spot, and little cafes are set up along the Hudson River pathways. At least they were before we went to Abingdon. We will see this year.

Easy booking for Wachovia Bank yesterday....a director who really knew how to direct voice work...a client easy to please....i learned a lot. In and out in 20 minutes. At Magno Sound on 7th Avenue, a really established and important music and sound place. I've not been inside their doors in several years. Felt good to be back.

Excellent CAP 21 Board Meeting last night.Such lengthy and productive discussions about a wide array of important topics concerning CAP's future development. We have a good Board right now, full of smart folks who like to actually talk to each other.
And who have a genuine admiration for the work that CAP 21 does.This is important. Lois Rathus. Pearl Berman. Jackie Yang.Harold Siegel. Nancy Truitt. Deb Williams.
They seem to understand what CAP 21 does and what makes it unique in the world of New York theater and education. And having Lois R. on the Board is particularly good, as she is not only a high-powered educator in her own right but she is the parent of a delightful and talented CAP 21 alumna (Allyn ) and that gives Lois a perspective that enables her to help us bridge the gap between the Conservatory work we do and the rest of our mission, which is our next big frontier: producing new works in a reasonable and unique fashion within our means. THE SHOP. THE CAP 21 SHOP!! More details on that later, but it is a very exciting next step, perhaps a transformative one for our organization, THE SHOP.


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