Monday, April 18, 2005


...which happens to be one of my favorite lines I spoke (declaimed) on LAW AND ORER...and all day today I kept hearing the LAW AND ORDER "da-dum!"...and i as I roamed the halls of justice down at 60 Centre Street, I kept expecting to see Jack McCoy and Serena and Lenny and the gang pop out of side courtrooms...yes..I am on Jury Duty, dear readers, and today was my first day! My darling brother Richard,knows what I speak of, since he just completed what seems like months on Jury Duty down in Texas, because he was actually put on a Jury for a specific case! Well: today for the first time in all my years of serving, doing my civic duty by simply showing up in the Jury Pool, today I GOT PUT ON A JURY!!!! One of 8, in a civil case about which I am not allowed to talk, and I am Alternate Number 1, and proud of it!!! I just knew, I felt, the minute they called my name for this particular enpannelment, first thing out of the gate this morning down at 60 Centre, I knew I was going to be on this case...maybe simply because it's my time to be a member of a Jury! So, first day, first thing: I am a Juror! We return tomorrow for evidence in the case, since this afternoon, both lawyers presented opening arguments. So, at 9:30sharp, that will be my shining face you see right there in Row 2, listening intently. Being wise, and taking note of all the proceedings. I shall be fair! (though I don't think Alternates actually get a chance to be much of anything...I will listen nonetheless.)

Peter and I spent the entirety of this past weekend Upstate at the House,helping Paul fic the place up. Peter worked very hard painting the insides of closets and I sanded lots of lightswitch plates. We had a marvelous family dinner Saturday night (Nancy T. came too) and Steven baked the most wonderful chocolate cake with cherries! I asked him to bake the same cake for my birthday WHICH JUST HAPPENS TO BE THIS WEEK!!!!! The 21st! (Not my 21st, but the 21st of April) after day after tomorrow...Chris B. who is in Japan on a job, already sent me the loveliest wines and picnic basket, all prettily arrived today from Osaka! How dear of him. And my gift to myself? Jury Duty! No. My gift is all the wonderful people in my life, and all the love they give me everyday. (as well as a pretty cashmere sweater I bought for myself on sale from the JJill Catalogue!!)

So, sorry about not writing in the blog for several days, but no computer Upstate. And besides I was too busy enjoying the gorgeousness of the perfect 70 degree sunny weather, as I sat on the back deck and sanded little squares of plastic for re-painting! It was perfectly gloriously clear and warm all weekend, and witht the water from the stream and pond splashing noisily, and the fresh green buds poking up through the winter-sleep soil, it was the perfect weekend to be there. I will go again this coming weekend. I remember now how much I loved and missed this place while I was away. It is a wonderful place. Being there got me and Peter talking about the wisdom of selling this co-op and buying an actual place with a yard and maybe by some water...i do miss gardening. And the pups were ecstatic to be back on grass again! They fairly flew over the grass, their little doggie feet skimming the tops of the blades of grass, as they chased everything. They rant hemselves ragged all weekend, and it was good.

Peter and I have been asked to do a reading of a new play at NYU Grad May...pal and good director Janice Goldberg requested we do it. And will be good to re-connect with Janice.

And, so it goes.

Not very busy showbiz-wise, which is probably good, since I am now committed to being the best Jurist possible, and that will take a few days. I do wonder when the next offer will come my/our way, but as ever, I exercise my actorly patience. Someone out there wants me in their play, they just may not know it yet...Peter has meetings, including one with our agent to see what's what. Hi Fiddle di dee..the actors' life for me! Meanwhile, time to switch Winter clothing for Spring because it has definitely sprung! And like much else, hope springs eternal....


What an entertaining piece this is...I could just hear you and see your animated face exclaiming over everything from the grass to the nuances of the jury system! Good for you for serving- although I, like Dave Letterman, think "where there's smoke there's fire!" The ___'s Guilty! I'd never be chosen, I'm sure... And so, young lady, it is now your birthday as well. Did you just make it under the wire as an Aries? Or are you Taurus? Not that I hold too much to that stuff. But you definitely have the fire and enthusiasm of an Aries! No wonder we're dangerous together. How will you be able to keep from trying to "direct" the trial and coach the witnesses!? Much better that they cast you on a network show so we all have the pleasure of watching you every week. Only a matter of time. We continue to fill up the log book with future guests, and are planning to go to a wedding in Richmond the first weekend in May for the son of old friends. The jazz festival is the last weeknd of this month- love the Big Band sound with a dance on Sat night. Wish you guys could come along and cut a rug with us! xxxABJ

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