Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Esther Lives!!!!

I've been getting so many calls and emails about my TriBeca Film Festival radio spot for AmEx...! I had forgotten how much exposure even the simplest radio spot gets, and how many people are reached by work done for a mere hour in a studio...not even an hour for this one...maybe 30 minutes...the same goes for all TV work I have done: it is stunning how many people all over the country watch television and how really ice they are about letting you know they have seen or heard you...So, "Esther", the character I recorded for this AmEx spot, is alive and well and spreading her good cheer all over NYC at the moment...actually, her run is probably over, since the nature of the radio spot was to let people know the Film Festival is coming, and now, the Film Festival is practically over! So, a couple of "usage" fees will probably come my way, as well as the initial session fee! Meanwhile, people have heard it in grocery stores, on their home radios, in their cars,etc. And "Esther", adorable "Esther", may live to see another day, as she prowls her fictional world looking for famous film peoples' autographs!

I wonder what the market is for the Amica Insurance spot I did ? And, I already know the Wachovia Bank spot is TV, for national network exposure, so it will be fun to see how that plays....this is a nice market to fall back into...I should probably spend some time this summer further cultivating it...all my on-camera commercial agents are scattered to the 4 winds since the Bloom Agency went out of existence, so perhaps i will attempt to track a few down and see the possibilities there. It's been a while for that, but ,why not? And it would be nice to chat with a few old pals in that part of the business.

New York look s very beautiful right now, with all the cherry trees and crab apples blooming...the city is decorated in a seasonal lace, and the greenig of the trees softens all the City's edges...a pleasure to see.


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