- Do regional theatres, such as Barter, represent a reasonable venue for people coming out of school? is it a financially viable way to produce theatre? What does a good regional theatre have to do with the community it exists in? How does a theatre like the Barter achieve its scheduling? Why does the overlooked subject of scheduling mean success for a regional theatre? My brother Richard called me early this morning (a good time to catch this bird without having to put salt on her tail), and, just because he loves me and wanted to have pure conversation, he gave me what amounted to my first tutorial on the subject of writing for commercial publication...after all, he has made his living doing that very thing for decades, and he has lots to impart. So the above questions are some of the ones he gave me to answer if indeed I want to focus an article about the Barter Theatre!! In turn , I gave him an anecdote or two about some experiences i had on Jury Duty, and he said he would take the anecdotes and turn them into a blog...show me how it's done..i look forward to that..I love that he and I are communicating about this particular subject: writing....and the touching thing is, when Momma gave each of us our first "day book" or journal when we were kids, she was effectively launching us both as the writers we did become: Richard, the commercial writer and me, the journal writer...so that he and I are talking about writing now ...well, I hope Momma is listening! There are so many times, practically on a daily basis, that I hope Momma is tuning in! She is with me always, and in answer to her late-in-life worry that if she died she would regret missing the next things in my life? I say to her: i do it all with the idea in mind that you may be watching from above. SO: enjoy! Trust that I am growing and deepening and using my gifts to change the world for the better, in any small way I can. I had tea with Cynthia Adler late yesterday afternoon...she remembered my Momma, and talked about how my energy, my enthusiasm for living comes from the Momma she remembers meeting many years ago.ANYWAY: wonderful tea with Cynthia...wonderful reading of BERGIN PINES last night at CAP 21...wonderful rainy day today..very dark skies presage the snows ahead. This blog entry is such a good example of how i wander and wind through the passages of my mind...I wonder as I wander : will I ever be able to edit and focus? To my brother Richard, I send a big hug and kiss...your loggorhea-ical sister, Ev.
# posted by compostmoi : 9:07 AM
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