Wednesday, February 02, 2005

A New Coffee Pot and Good Morning, our adorable pups have been, ever since coming home from staying with Uncles Paul and Steve's house, getting up at about 6:30 a.m. and it has actually been my pleasure to take them out for their first walk of the day at that hour...the good thing there are so few other people and dogs out at that hour that Cyrano is less likely to engage in doggie warfare, and I feel less of an obstacle as I coax Sally to behave like a normal dag and WALK!!! So, up I am at that hour, and yesterday when I apptempted to then make coffee, I did one those things where i put the coffee right into the seeping area without putting the filter back into it, so of course, it totally got stuffed up and overflowed and this time it ruined the $18.00 coffee pot that has been fatihfully serving us for several i got all weepy and experienced it as the last straw and dear Peter went right out in search of if not a new coffee pot then at least cups of coffee to calm me down..what a doll he is...well, no place was open that early, so though he did bring home some groceries, he came home coffeepot-less..But armed with the idea of simply brewing one cup at a time with the filter from the pot (which by that time I had thrown away in disgust along with two other coffee pots that also did not work but that for some reason I had been holding onto while we were in Abingdon...i am the stupidest pack rat ever...) So, last night, after the CAP 21 Executive Committee Meeting, I went to Bed, Bath and Beyond and splurged and bought a $20.00 coffee pot!!! And the coffee from it is delicious this sparkling morning, and we continue our unpacking of multitudinous boxes....we have a wonderful home here, and if we can ever get rid of the brown boxes, and finally get around to organizing room by room, as well as painting them all, we shall have the home of our dreams, comfortable and fun. The potential is definitely here. Today, unlike the last few days, neither of us has a thing that we are obligated to do outside the home, so we should be able to get a lot done. WE ARE HOME!!!! YAY!

"Home again, home again, jiggetty-jig." So you (Evalyn and Peter) have returned to NYC, and have asked for a response. I selected respond on your blogsite, and this is what I got. I wonder what will happen.

So here I am on Saturday AM, on my fourth coffee, listening to Edith Piaf sing "Mon amant de la coloniale." I'll respond to your blog first, then go back to working on Web site copy for an automation company in Minnesota.

I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the UK - London and Edinburgh. Mildly jealous, since Barbara and I haven't been overseas in 15 months. But able to accept your pleasure at going safely; immersing yourselves in London; traveling to Scotland; returning to the 'Smoke;' watching plays good and bad; and coming home (where the pups are).

Did you see the Robert Frank exhibition when you visiting the Tate Modern? It's supposed to be outstanding. If all you had a chance to view was Turbine Hall, what did you think of the Bruce Naumann works? I think I'd have to see this one to absorb needs the space a computer terminal cannot contribute.

I'm going to post this now and see what occurs. Oh - I see...I had to establish a blog in order to respond to yours. Now I am a blogger, I guess: (Cup of coffee #6). Ta for now...your brother at Batty Thomas, Tailor Paul.

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