Monday, February 14, 2005


Even those hurting in love, because one day, sooner than you think possible, you will be feeling love again, and the pains of the current upsets will seem as bad dreams...several of our friends in Abingdon are going through some major romantic upsets currently,and not a day goes by that Peter and I do not think of them all with love. Human beings are wild and wooly creatures, full of the best and worst of what is inherent in being revel in that glaring imperfection is, at times, impossible, but there are other times when the imbalances remind us of the glory of life...sort of like reviews in a public newspaper: if you read them, and if you believe the good ones, you must also believe the bad ones....but if you are really able to rise above it all ( impossible, I know, when it's you body John Simon is savaging with his barbed poison tongue) IF you are able to see beyond the "now" you will see none of it finally matters, and that pain is only our invitation to love more deeply....Jesus! that sounds so damned sanctimonious...please one has wanted to kill someone else for causing pain more than I have...I am a veritable demon when i feel like avenging hurts done me...but if there is one thing my relationship with Paul has taught me, it's that love is possible after deep hurt, and that the sort of love that comes from forgiveness is a love unimagined until you experience that deep hurt...of course it helps that I have the glorious Peter to help re-learn the art of loving...and he is a fine teacher. But the people we care for in Abingdon are deeply gifted, creative, caring people, with all the genius for living they need, and I can only pray this innate genius will help guide them through the current valleys of despair in which they find themselves. In matters of love, truly what does not kill you will make you strong, and hopefully more loving, more grateful, more open to the loves that lie ahead. Love is the only powerful force (besides hatred and war) that affects the lives of those all around is also true that those we love are sent into our lives to teach us what we need to learn to become stronger, better selves...our lovers are our gurus, as someone once wrote in some book I read years ago...and so we find ourselves, if we love, constantly in the position of student, of having to be open to learn more thatn we ever thought we needed to learn. And some of us (myself most of all) hate to become aware that we do not know it all! Ah!

Speaking of "wild and wooly creatures," with whom did you and Peter have coffee on Valentine's morning? How's your Wednesday? Brother Richard.

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