Saturday, January 08, 2005


Well,we DID it!!!!! Not only did we get all the stuff, and i mean all the stuff, into that truck, (thank you Mark Devol, Frank Green, Nathan Coleman, Charles Yonka and my darling Peter) but we miraculously made it home to NYC and unpacked in a mere three hours (thank you Rob Moore, Carlos from our building staff, the extraordinary Paul Daniels, Chris Boyd and once again Charles and Peter Yonka). While all the unpacking was going on, my fabulous mother-in-law Pat Yonka was taking care of the puppies and driving the car around the block whenever it was necessary to move it to make way for other vehicles..the truck was finally and well-parked at the very spot on 104th Street that we needed and the unloading was therefore as easy as it could be. All our building staff here at 890 West End were so warm and welcoming...and the journey officially completed, once Charles and i took the 24-foot truck over the East 117th Street to drop it off at the Budget place, and the guy there was so grateful to get a one-way rental large truck for his stock, the check- in was easy and good. I will reccommend Budget Truck Rentals from now on...they treated us great!And the drive from Abingdon was incredibly quick, even though it took the normal 10 just seemed so much faster because I think we were all expecting the truck to go so slow (like the one we drove down there did) and that it woul dtake 14 hours like it did before...instead the truck went 70 miles an hour and whoosh we were there!
After stopping for about 6 hours sleep at a terrific hotel in New Jersey where they even took our pups , and served us a really goood breakfast before we left to finally get home. It was all so easy, the journey, so that all the nightmarish packing trauma seemed to have happened to someone else, and not to us! I must say : the apartment that is our co-op home here in New York looks swell, well-tended and clean! It feels wonderfulto be home, no matter how many boxes we have to contend with! All I can say is "YAY!" much to write about, but now: I nap!


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