Thursday, December 30, 2004

The Penultimate Day of the Year

Today are the last two shows of the Barter Theatre 2004 Season, and the fact that I am not in the performances does not take away from the weird feelings I am having concerning the finality of it all. Peter has what will probably be his last show at this theater for a long time, since he is very intent on concentrating on what it takes to become a serious NY actor, while I, deeply fond of what i have discovered here at Barter, and also somewhat well-worn in the ways of the NY scene, may be back here sooner than later..BUT one really does never know. JERRY ORBACH , that lovely actor, died this past Tuesday of prostate cancer, and since i did not even know he was ill, it came as a shock. I liked him very much, always identified with him in some way...and he was quite warm and nice with me when i shot that LAW AND ORDER episode some time back. We laughed together, found things to actually talk about. I liked him. I admired the range of roles and types of plays, musicals and films he managed to do in his career, and he will always be "Lennie Briscoe" to millions of people. A genuine theatre man, who cut his teeth on, of all things, the original FANTASTIKS, 40 years ago, in the role of El Gallo...he was more than a working actor: he was a well-loved working actor, who made a damned fine living at what he loved to do.JERRY ORBACH. Rather the passing of an era, I would say. I am in my office today, and the small pile of things to complete seems continual and endless, but, i have made a lot of order out of the chaos I was presented with three years ago, so I am okay ,now, with however I leave it for Derek. He is a brilliant man who will soon make this office his own. To Ron O. and other playwrights who may tune into this blog: be in touch with Derek Davidson, and he will handle all your Barter Theatre needs!!! He's a great guy!


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