Friday, December 31, 2004

Another Openin.....

....yet, another production! The advent, last night, of !!! Peter and I stayed up really late into the wee morning hours, to get the first publication of the website at least readable, because i had composed it one way on my web creator program (Peter bought for at Office Depot), and I had no idea about web-friendly when it came up on Peter's screen (as it will on others that are not
mine) it looked messy and we went back, chose safer more
web-friendly fonts and fixed all the larger messes.....I have asked Paul, Julia J. and Ron O. to peruse it and give me "notes", so the "show" can improve! It is really
pretty elementary right now, not very sophisticated a site, but it tells a certain story, and says what i need it to say , so that, plus the amazing fact that I composed it all by myself (!), adds up to: hell yes! Let's PUBLISH!!!! And so , we have! I even learned how to import photos from wherever I have them stored and put them on the site...I mean this is all soooo advanced for me, I am really pretty proud of having learned this particular
"how-to". Peter and I only had a few major "knock-down-drag-outs" during the process, and we still love each other , small victorty for Middle-aged women! The Yonka parental units are leaving this morning after having spent a wonderful Christmas Holiday with us. They take with them my old set of flowered dishware (ordered during one particular Les Mis matinee from a catalogue) and 0ur old trusty oaken table, long and useful, after having served us well for a long time as both dining and craft table....we've ordered an entire new dining table and chairs from Kiser Furniture here in Abingdon and will take them home with us. So it is a morning of partings, and , since I have always imbued inanimate objects with both names and feelings, I just know the table is feeling sad too. I just know it. I can almost hear it sighing as I eat my last oatmeal on it. SO: ONWARD!! They are also taking our washer and dryer with them...they need them ,we cannot use them in the city, so , off they go!!!! Remember: LIFE IS CHANGE!! BREATHE AND EMBRACE IT!!!

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